

Welcome to UnderCover Spill Rumble Channel. Here at UnderCover Spill we explore the most interesting stories in the world of entertainment. There is a vast amount of pop culture stories that haven't been told. We go over stories of the most famous pro athletes, actors, influencers & music artist. We even dabble in the paranormal... The pop culture and entertainment industry is full of many interesting stories. We produce the best videos possible for our audience with indepth research and top notch editing. Join UnderCover Spill and let's get spilling💦 Be Entertained📺

Social Distillation


Social distillation is the metaphor for process driven truth seeking. We're taking the messy wash and adding a little heat to pull out the truth. Obviously it's an organic process so therefore not perfect. Imperfections provide flavor though. So our goal is to remove the methanol (poisonous untruth), and then find the right flavor to purity ratio for the situation. News should have a different purity standard than say comedy. We also want to bring back the discourse. People sitting around the fire with a spirit and sense of humor to discuss the ins and outs of society without todays norm of hatred and tribalism.