Objective News Network


At ONN, our mission is to serve as an underwriter laboratory for the objectivity, integrity, and truth of the major news stories of the day. We believe that democracy depends, now more than ever, on a properly informed public. With the advent of the digital age, we face a crisis of information overload. Our goal is to help news consumers separate fact from fiction in the vast seas of information they read, see, and hear on the news media. Our objective is to help promote civil discourse on the real issues of the day by fighting the phenomenon of “fake news” and other efforts intended to mislead and misinform the public about the true facts.

Celestial Objects & The Final Days


This channel is dedicated to heavenly proofs of unknown celestial ojects in Earth's near vicinity. These objects are being systematically hidden from the people of earth by conspiring governments who intend to forcefully install a world government. Anyone with a scant knowledge of Scripture knows the enemy of God (satan, lucifer, abadon, beelzebub, baphomet, etc.) will attempt to rule over the entire world as a worldwide despotic leader. What we see happening today across the world is an excellent example of what this will look like. Never before has the world been so interlocked in an economic and technological way. Jesus will likely return soon. His followers were implored to look up, for our redemption draws near when these things are happening with such bold and apparent clarity. Do not resist Jesus Christ's call to all sinners. Every soul is eternal and there are but two destinations for the soul after death: Eternity with God, and eternity in conscious punishment with satan and his followers.