Yousra Yasir Kitchen


Description Welcome To Yousra Yasir Kitchen ! Its all about food and healthy cooking. Here I will share my tried and tasty recipes and some of traditional recipes of Pakistani Food, Indian Food, Arabic food and World Wide cultural foods. We are sharing Our most recipes without Oven just to make easy for those People who don't have such facility at home, so stay tuned and keep watching our Channel. if u have any question u can asK me or if u want a recipe u can also ask me in the comment box. PLZ LIKE,SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL

Videos that explain why we should opt out.


We are a consistently growing group of Colorado Republicans who would like to see some changes in our state party. Perhaps at the top of that list of changes is the fact that we'd like to start winning elections again! Clearly what we have been doing isn't working. We feel that one of the things that need to be done toward that goal is to do away with the open primary voting process in Colorado. This is the current system that allows unaffiliated voters to vote in Republican primaries. This system has been in place since 2016, and frankly it has not served us well. We feel that only Republicans should be able to vote in Republican primaries. This channel contains videos that explain in detail, our mission to return voting in a Republican primary back to only Republicans. Please take a look.