Top ORLANDO AREA Realtor Scott Garrison PA and ReMax Town & Country Real Estate !


With over 35+ years of experience as the Local Orlando Realtor, Scott Garrison exemplifies his slogan “This Realtor Works!” by having helped hundreds and hundreds of families and Investors buy and sell Central Florida Residential Real Estate and Vacant Land! A long time Resident and Graduate of the nearby Winter Park High School, and later obtaining multiple Degrees at our own University of Central Florida, Scott actively serves your Residential Real Estate needs virtually anywhere you’d want to be in CENTRAL FLORIDA, from an adorable home for yourself in an upscale Orlando-Area Community, to buying a Profitable Rental home, to East Orlando Vacant Land Acreage to a Downtown Orlando Condo or a Vacation Rental near Walt Disney World!

Success Pal Media Verified


Success is an Idea that manifests in life. Are You Ready For Change? Do You Agree With The Following … That Happiness is Better Than Sadness That Vitality is Better Than Exhaustion That Excitement is Better Than Monotony That Genuine Self-Esteem is Better Than Self-Doubt That Self Belief is Better Than Pessimistic Skepticism That Positive is Better Than Negative Successful People Have This Outlook … Do You Have This Outlook? … Do You Want To? We are on a quest to reach others. To change lives from depression, exhaustion, stagnation, monotony and self doubt; into lives of happiness, exhilaration, vitality, prosperity, value production and self-esteem. Are you interested in sharing in these ideals? Are you open to associating with a team of people who share this enthusiasm? Are you willing to share these ideals with others? Are you motivated to help and join us in this endeavor? If so we invite you to subscribe and follow. We are a group of positive energetic people – working in concert to improve our own lives by pursuing these personal successful ideas. Are you ready for a positive change? Share your success views and join the conversation!

O País do Futuro


O que nós, cidadãos comuns, que não somos políticos, podemos fazer para melhorar a política no Brasil? As eleições no Brasil estão chegando e você já parou para pensar o que precisa saber para escolher o seu voto? Sejam bem-vindos ao canal O País do Futuro, um ambiente para que possamos juntos entender como a política funciona e como definir o nosso voto, sempre de acordo com o que você acredita que é certo! Eu tenho certeza de que nós podemos juntos, com diálogo e respeito, fazer do Brasil O País do Futuro. Se inscreva no canal e nos acompanhe com vídeos novos toda semana! Siga também no Instagram: @opaisdofuturo e @andrecarrijoo



Onpassive is a new AI Information Technology platform (a future Unicorn Company) that aims to provide a high end plug and play internet tools for anyone with an online business or, an offline business with an online presence, which is almost every business. Founders positions are still available and will be ending in December. Only affiliate positions will be there after. Our current worldwide founder are 296,802 strong this day 11/20/2020. Be a Founder Today before its to late