Jonose Cigars


Welcome to Jonose Cigars! Each month I will be releasing 4 video reviews of cigars that I find worth smoking, and give the casual smoker or devoted enthusiast a preview of cigars before smoking them. Bonus videos include humidor tours, shop visits and cigar conversations. Hope you come back often for some fun smokes, and please don't forget to subscribe! If you have a cigar that you would like to send in to have reviewed, please email me at Thanks for checking us out and Smoke a Good One!

DinosaursGaming Verified


Hello Everyone! DinosaursGaming, AKA NachoAveragePapaw, AKA LegendaryHarry, AKA Harry, AKA TransformedByScripture, welcomes you. This Channel is to encourage mature adults to enjoy the benefits of playing console and computer games. Spend time with family and friends playing various games. Also educate the mature concerning options involved with gaming technologies such as VR, Console and PC Gaming. There are many physical and mental benefits to gaming. Using Discord and other programs to socialize during gaming. At the same time passing on life lessons with the younger generations playing games. Discord Link=

Rosary Garden


Pray the Rosary with me. Published every Wednesday morning; recorded live each Monday evening at 8:00pm (US central time) on YouTube and Instagram (please pray along and share your intentions). There is no editing or post-production; what happens live is what you hear. The first episode was on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, October 7, 2020. I'm a lifelong Catholic, a product of Catholic schools, a 3rd Degree Knight of Columbus, and a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Parish in De Pere, Wisconsin. I also enjoy my vocation making custom rosaries. — Scott Crevier