Within Japan


Welcome to "Within Japan" by finding this channel you have exceptional taste! I am Mark and I will be your sherpa as we travel the wonderful country of Japan. From the volcano of Kagoshima to the snow festival of Sapporo, if it is worth seeing as a tourist this is the place for you. Feel free to help us grow by sharing the channel and video's and give a thumbs up and leave a comment, your all very welcome here as we share the love for the amazing country that is Japan.

Ninja 250 Motorcycle Maintenance


Kawasaki Heavy Industries made the "fourth generation" Ninja 250 for five years in the United States (2008-2012) before replacing it with the very similar Ninja 300 (2013-2017), which was then replaced with the Ninja 400 (2018-present). This channel is devoted to providing a visual aid for do-it-yourself enthusiasts who want to attempt maintenance, repair, or learn about places to find the best deals on OEM parts, tools, and everything related to a 2011 Ninja 250.

Exploring Japan on Foot


"Stroll through the bustling streets of Tokyo, visit ancient temples in Kyoto, or wander along the picturesque coastlines of Okinawa - exploring Japan on foot is a wonderfully immersive experience full of discovery and wonder. Immerse yourself in the rich culture, savor unique cuisine, and learn about the history and traditions of this country with every step. Leave your mark on Japan's paths - where modernity meets tradition, freedom to explore, and discover the beauty of the Land of the Rising Sun."