Universal Lighthouse


The Extraterrestrial Interference Series. Part 1 What's Really Happening behind the Curtain - https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/what-s-really-happening-behind-the-curtain-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 2 The Good The Bad and the Ugly - https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-part-2-of-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 3 Truth is Stranger than Fiction https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/truth-is-stranger-than-fiction-part-3-of-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 4 The Free Nation, Has Never Been Free. https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/the-free-nation-has-never-been-free-~-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 5 WE ARE ALL HYBRIDS https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/we-are-all-hybrids-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 6 The Extraterrestrial Races Already Interacting with Earth https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/the-extraterrestrial-races-already-interacting-with-earth-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 7 The Karistus - The Ones Known as the ANGELS https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/the-karistus-the-ones-known-as-the-angels-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 8 Reptilians Control The Earth https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/reptilians-control-the-earth-the-extraterrestrial-interference-part-8 Part 9 Putin Said, They are “NOT EVEN HUMAN” https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/putin-said-they-are-not-even-human-part-9-of-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 10 The Other Universe https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/the-other-universe-part-10-of-the-extraterrestrial-interference Part 11 They Are Using Spells and Symbolism to Control Your Mind https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/they-are-using-spells-and-symbolism-to-control-your-mind-the-extraterrestrial-interference-p11 Part 12 Reptilian and Grey Alien Alliances on Earth https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/post/reptilian-and-grey-alien-alliances-on-earth-part-12-of-the-extraterrestrial-interference Background Music By https://www.free-stock-music.com/ Video footage By https://www.pexels.com/ Compilation and Video editing http://universallighthouseblog.com Check Out The New Book: A Course in Cosmic Light Work: The Merging of Ancient Practices to Embody and Work with the Universal Life Force Energies https://amzn.to/3i4LoOT Welcome to Universal Lighthouse. Shining Light On the Path to Universal Enlightenment Please use discernment on all content posted.... https://www.universallighthouseblog.com/ Subscribe To Receive All Of Our Posts, For FREE. Posting Daily. Full Disclosure, Channeling, and Gnostic Guidance. If you Enjoy the work of the different Authors that is Posted, Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. Thank you We are a Beacon of the Light, In Total Service. Check out Universal Lighthouse Radio FREE MUSIC and ENLIGHTENMENT Broadcasting 24/7 High Vibe https://zeno.fm/universal-lighthouse-radio/ If you are a Higher consciousness Artist and would like your creation on the Radio, contact us at Universallighthouse@mail.com Universal Lighthouse is not associated with any advertisement on the station. We do not make income from the station at all. It is totally for vibrational and enlightenment purposes.



Welcome to YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS where we uplift, extoll, exalt and magnify YHWH OF HOSTS to establish YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS in YHWHrusalem to get His temple built on MORYHWH. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is a tax-exempt organized movement founded on September 28, 1986, by YHWH OF HOSTS, to magnify His Holy Name, to make YHWHrusalem a praise in the earth and to prepare the way before Him. YHWH, for His Holy Name sake has established YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS also to gather the preserved of Yisrael and to be a light unto the Gentiles that His salvation can go to the ends of the earth. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is the servant of YHWH, our righteousness, The King, the fountain of living waters, the spirit and creator of all things, The Living Creator. YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is also the name by which the seed or branch of David is to be known as prophesied in Jeremiah 23:1-8. CONTACT: YHWHudah Ben Yisrael, 773 874 0325, P.O. Box 20532, Chicago, IL 60620 More at yhwhourrighteousnesschicago.net

The Linux Lighthouse: Your Guide to openSUSE Linux


Unleash the power of openSUSE Linux! This channel dives deep into both openSUSE Leap and Tumbleweed mainly. We'll guide you through installation, explore their strengths, and help you choose the perfect fit for your daily driver needs. Learn essential tricks, discover hidden gems, and join the vibrant openSUSE community. Discover, Learn, & Master Linux. http://www.youtube.com/@TheLinuxLighthouse #opensuse #opensuseleap #opensusetumbleweed #linuxdistribution #linux #CommandLine #ShellEnvironment #UserManagement #kernal #linuxcommandline #LinuxTuning #Snapper #tuned #cgroups #YaST #cgroupsv2 #firewalld #AppArmor #SELinux #LinuxTutorial #SUSE #LinuxForBeginners #SysAdmin #CyberSecurity #LinuxTips

Great Lakes Lighthouses


Shining Light into a dark world with an emphasis on the State of Michigan to guide voyageurs to the Truth . Luke 9:16 Then He took the Five loaves, and two fishes... "...therefore (O Lord) raise up faithful distributors of thy mysteries, who setting apart all worldly respects, may both in their life and doctrine only seek thy glory. Continually confound Satan, Antichrist, with all hirelings, whom thou hast already cast off into a reprobate sense, that they may not by sects, schisms, heresies, and errors, disquiet thy little flock. And because, O Lord, we be fallen into the latter days and dangerous times, wherein ignorance hath gotten the upper hand, and Satan by his Ministers seeks by all means to quench the light of thy Gospel: we beseech thee to maintain thy cause against those ravening Wolves and strengthen all thy servants, whom they keep in prison and bondage. Let not thy long suffering be an occasion, either to increase their tyranny, or to discourage thy children: neither yet let our sins and wickedness, be an hindrance to thy mercies, but with speed (O Lord) consider their great misery".

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." Proverbs 29:2


1. Jesus Christ - The King Of Kings 2. Word Of God - Bible 3. Holy Spirit - Comforter 4. Tithe/Offering - Increase Protector 5. Church - Spiritual Coverings 6. Business - Earthly Prosperities 7. Government - Earthly Authorities God's Government on earth! Teachings, discussions & bible knowledge on government under a "A Righteous Kingship" rather than "A Wicked King".