Facts Matter With Roman Balmakov Verified


Let's connect the dots. As America moves into uncharted waters, it’s incredibly important for you to have an honest source of news because right now, what this republic needs more than anything else, are informed citizens who are grounded in facts. Facts Matter investigates complex issues, and then presents the findings in a way that is easy to understand. We work to bring you honest news without spin. We are free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. Our goal is to bring you accurate information so that you can form your own opinion, stay informed, and stay free.

RECON-RAT Guns & Gaming Verified


I am an Army medic from Texas. I was deployed to Iraq in '06-'07 as a medic on convoy operations all over Iraq and awarded the Army Commendation Medal with Valor. RECON-RAT Guns & Gaming plays first person shooters. In between games, we review different guns and gear, as well as provide tips and tricks for improving gameplay. Our goal with the channel is to provide entertaining gameplay content while also sharing our knowledge and passion for firearms and outdoor activities with our viewers. We strive to create a community where we can discuss and learn more about these topics together. Website: https://reconrat.live New Commies Suck shirts! Merch: https://reconrat.live/merch PS: the Triblend shirts are so soft! Discord: Come in and chat or use with buddies - https://discord.gg/qRNMguBzEc Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 10pm central



Citizens for Truth have prepared the "Investigation into Criminal Allegations Concerning Covid 19 Response". The investigation is entirely based on information that has been publicly provided by Statistics Canada. Our continuing mission is to distribute the Investigative Report to the widest possible audience to make plain to all Canadaians that the actions taken by the Government and their associated mandates and declarations were not justified, based on the actual data reported by Statistics Canada. We are continuing to investigate additional topics related to C19, and support a variety of Freedom Groups by providing information, guidance and a toolkit of materials that support their ongoing efforts.

Two Cats Video Production Verified


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