The Rican Muslim Show


Welcome to RicanMuslim, a channel dedicated to exploring Islam, faith, and my personal journey of understanding. Inspired by the teachings of the Quran, we delve into the beauty of Islam and its profound impact on our lives. In the Quran, Allah says: "And He found you lost and guided [you]. وَوَجَدَكَ ضَالًّا فَهَدَىٰ wa-wajadaka dalan fa-hada" (Surah Ad-Duha, 93:7) This verse encapsulates the essence of our journey - a search for guidance and enlightenment. Join me as we navigate through the depths of faith, uncovering wisdom, compassion, and spiritual fulfillment. Through discussions, reflections, and shared experiences, we aim to foster a community of seekers and believers alike. Together, let's embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and profound understanding. Welcome to RicanMuslim, where faith meets exploration, and hearts find solace in the light of Islam. Support the channel here: Tiege Men's Skin Care Tube Buddy:

LMCI Muslim 사랑 Islam 비판


무사이비 무슬림 사랑 이슬람 비판은 LMCI에 의해 채널 개설이 되었습니다.\n이 채널은 이슬람, 꾸란, 선지자 무하마드에 관한 진실에 대해 알아봅니다.\n우리의 뜻은, 이슬람을 사실인가 알아보고 비판을 하되 예수님의 사랑과 복음으로 무슬림들에게 다가가기 원합니다.\n\nLMCI (Love Muslims Critique Islam) is a channel founded by LMCI.\nThe channel investigates the claims of Islam regarding the Quran and the prophethood of Muhammad.\n\nThe intention is to examine and critique the validity of Islam\'s claims yet to approach the Muslims with the gospel and the heart of Christ.

Esraa Muse


At times in life I feel badass and want to scream, other times, I’m all sweet and sing soft. So hopefully these contrasting and conflicting emotions will be captured in my new music set to be released. My older tunes are right here while I refine my sound. For now, I don’t want to put myself in a box, I’m a chameleon, a morphing spirit whom wants to lift other peoples souls up and explore the world around. Oh btw, I’ve been told my music sounds like: "One of those heavier bands who puts out the occasional softer album” & “You sound like a pretty rockstar that belongs in an elvish garden” - take care and hopefully we get to meet soon xx E