Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution


Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution is a feature-length documentary currently in post-production. The film is intended to break down common misconceptions about homeschooling, encourage a flood of new families to homeschool, and equip those already homeschooling to do it well. The film follows host, Yvette Hampton, as she travels the country with her family, meeting other homeschoolers and education experts in an effort to learn the secrets of successful homeschooling and to tell the story of the millions of people who have been impacted by the homeschool revolution. As viewers follow Yvette on this journey and share in her challenges and victories, they will gather the necessary resources and encouragement to homeschool with excellence — to start strong and finish well! If you believe in homeschooling, please partner with us by making a tax-deductible donation at Schoolhouse Rocked Merchandise -

Schoolhouse Bop


Hi there! I am a certified teacher and mother of two toddlers and counting :) Our children's education starts with a strong, solid foundation. This channel is meant to help provide children with all the basics they need before they enter Kindergarten. As a certified teacher with a degree in psychology, I understand that small children have such a great capacity to learn when they are excited and engaged by the material. I hope your family joins mine on this journey of learning! Please subscribe and support our channel, so I can share the great joy of learning with your little one!

Early Genesis, The Revealed Cosmology


Author Mark Moore discusses topics related to the Christ-Centered model for early Genesis as described in his book "Early Genesis, the Revealed Cosmology". This could be considered a "neo-fundalmentalist" interpretation as it takes a high view of the text but maintains that the traditional narrative about what the text is saying is mistaken in several important points. The early church adopted the Jewish view of the material when it should have been re-interpreted in the light of Christ.

Cosmologia Biblica


Seja bem vindo à Cosmologia Bíblica. Neste canal você terá uma nova experiência com as escrituras sagradas. Uma interpretação bíblica à luz da real cosmovisão do nosso plano terrestre. Te convido a contemplar a palavra do criador dos céus e da terra dando mais credibilidade aos escritos deixados através de muito sacrifício. Adorar único e exclusivamente à YHWH o Deus criador que enviou seu único filho Cristo o Messias para resgatar a humanidade da condenação eterna. Ednardo Sabino

Historiando Axé com Tom Oloorê


O Canal Historiando Axé é um canal de Candomblé, voltado a falar da História do Candomblé, História das Religiões de Matriz Africana e da Cultura Negra e Filosofia Afro-brasileira. O canal Historiando Axé tem o intuito de trazer um pouco da história, da cultura, da tradição e da filosofia religiosa do candomblé e das demais religiões de matriz africana. Trazendo à tona assuntos e questões pertinentes ao povo de axé, esclarecendo dúvidas e respondendo os porquês da religião e da tradição do povo de axé. Tom Oloorê é Bàbálòrìṣà, Historiador e pesquisador das religiões de matriz africana, iniciado no candomblé desde 2003 e Bàbálòrìṣà do Ilé Ẹgbẹ́ Àṣẹ Ìmọ́lẹ̀ Olóore.



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Alvin Plantinga's Epistemology


Some things can be known without relying on evidence from other things we know. Those are the properly basic beliefs (PBBs). All evidence has to come from somewhere, and PBBs are where it comes from. Not just any belief can be a PBB. It has to be one we can know in some way other than through evidence from other things we know. And — surprise! — Alvin Plantinga thinks belief in G-d can be a PBB. But how do we know which things can be in the category of PBBs? Plantinga borrows from Roderick Chisholm‘s advice for figuring out something like this: First, make a nice list of beliefs we know fit into a particular category of beliefs; next, carefully look at the beliefs in that list to figure out a criterion for beliefs in that category; finally, use that criterion to see whatever other beliefs might fit into that category. Plantinga gets his list of PPBs from common-sense beliefs, drawing from Thomas Reid. Then there’s some inductive logic to get to the criterion. (Hint: It involves properly functioning faculties!) And then there’s an explanation of why Plantinga thinks Christian belief meets that criterion. It took Plantinga more than three decades and well over a thousand pages to do all this. But he eventually did it, and it’s some pretty awesome philosophy.