Covid Hoax and Its Deadly Biochemical Weapons, Commonly & Mistakenly Thought of as "Vaccines"


Covid-19 is just a variant of the flu that comes up every year. Yes, people do die of the flu, as has happened with Covid-19. The PCR tests were misused to diagnose Covid, as the PCR tests were never intended for diagnosis. Real vaccines come out of nature, as did the small pox vaccine. No real vaccine can be created in a laboratory. Chemical concoctions being called "vaccines" for Covid are actually very deadly. The have been fatal in many cases. Covid-19, not being spectacularly dangerous itself, was promoted into such a serious illness, that people would seek and demand a vaccine. So the pharmaceutical industry obliged, coming up with various chemical concoctions in their laboratories. Not particularly therapeutic, but it sure does make a lot of money for the pharmaceutical companies. I've added GMO to this channel as a topic to cover.

Magie, Meditation, Mystik Verified


Auf unserem Kanal findest du wertvolle Beiträge rund um die Themen Spiritualität, Meditation, Partnerzusammenführung und Mystik, moderiert von uns, zwei langjährigen Experten in Meditation und weißer Magie: Pavol und Marion. ➡️ Suchst Du nach Antworten im Bereich der Selbstverwirklichung oder nach einer tiefen Motivation um eine schwierige Situation zu überwinden? Interessierst du dich eventuell schon immer für Themen, die über die klassische Psychologie hinausgehen, auf der Suche dich und das Leben besser zu verstehen? 💡Wertvolles Wissen im Bereich Weiße Magie, Voodoo, und spirituelle Musik, Liebesmagie, Schutzmagie, Meditation und Mystik, direkt von uns oder über unsere Gast-Experten! ➡️ Zudem, bietet dieser Kanal eine Quelle zur Selbsthilfe, da wir regelmäßig auch inspirierende Buchempfehlungen teilen, um dich bei deiner spirituellen Entwicklung gezielt zu begleiten. Abonniere also jetzt diesen Kanal!

Mágia, meditácia, mystika Verified


Na našom kanáli nájdeš hodnotné príspevky o témach, ako sú spiritualita, meditácia, spájanie partnerov a mystika, ktoré moderujeme my – dvaja dlhoroční experti v oblasti meditácie a bielej mágie: Pavol a Marion. ➡️ Hľadáš odpovede v oblasti sebarealizácie alebo hlbokú motiváciu na prekonanie náročnej životnej situácie? Zaujímajú ťa témy, ktoré presahujú klasickú psychológiu, a chceš lepšie pochopiť seba samého a život? 💡 Cenné poznatky z oblasti bielej mágie, voodoo, spirituálnej hudby, ľúbostnej mágie, ochrannej mágie, meditácie a mystiky – priamo od nás alebo od našich hosťujúcich odborníkov! ➡️ Tento kanál je tiež zdrojom sebapomoci, pretože pravidelne zdieľame inšpirujúce knižné odporúčania, ktoré ťa cielene podporia na tvojej spirituálnej ceste. Prihlás sa na odber tohto kanála ešte dnes!

“Secrets to Workplace Success: 3 Mistakes to Avoid for Career Advancement

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ou to reach your full potential and achieve your dreams. Join our community of like-minded individuals striving for success, one step at a time. Daily doses of inspiration, motivation, and positivity to help you become the best version of yourself. Let's make every day count! 💪🏼 #motivation #inspiration #success" 1. #motivation 1. #motivation #usa #america #canada #uk #love #newyork #instagram #california #travel #instagood #fashion #photography #australia #india #germany #trump #london #follow #dubai #france #europe #like #art #miami #florida #a #italy #unitedstates #nyc #music 2. #inspiration #philippines #manila #travel #itsmorefuninthephilippines #pinoy 3. #success #canada #usa #toronto #ontario #australia #uk #love #photography # #memes #trending #followforfollowback #bollywood #instadaily #maharashtra #insta #likes #viral #art #style #model #music #USA #UK #USA #India #Kenya #Jamaica #USA #Canada #Nigeria #USA #USA #SouthAfrica #USA #USA #USA #Australia #Philippines #India #Ghana #USA #Ethiopia #Australia #India #USA #Uganda #SouthAfrica #USA #India #Zambia 4. #selfimprovement 5. #mindset 6. #positivevibes 7. #personaldevelopment 8. #lifegoals 9. #growthmindset 10. #hustle 11. #believeinyourself 12. #nevergiveup 13. #grind 14. #perseverance 15. #determination 16. #focus 17. #ambition 18. #hardworkpaysoff 19. #dreambig 20. #motivationalvideos 21. #positivity 22. #selfbelief 23. #inspirationalvideos 24. #mindfulness 25. #mentaltoughness 26. #overcomingobstacles 27. #youcandoit 28. #motivationalspeaker 29. #motivationmonday 30. #successmindset 2. #inspiration 3. #success 4. #selfimprovement 5. #mindset 6. #positivevibes 7. #personaldevelopment 8. #lifegoals 9. #growthmindset 10. #hustle 11. #believeinyourself 12. #nevergiveup 13. #grind 14. #perseverance 15. #determination 16. #focus 17. #ambition 18. #hardworkpaysoffu 19. #dreambig 20. #motivationalvideos 21.

Are you making these 3 mistakes when putting your baby to rest

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By doing this 1 weird trick, can you really get your baby to sleep in less than one minute? This really works: It's the #1 most important discovery for parents in over 25 years! Not only that, but it works free of harmful chemicals, gimmicks or gizmos that cost a lot but do little ... Fact is, research from the Stanford Sleep lab shows that this simple 27-second trick added to your parenting routine allows your child to sleep through the nigh. It activates the pineal gland flushing your little one’s body with melatonin, the save yet utterly effective sleep hormone… you'll discover exactly how at the link below: Click here