Truth Seekers Worldwide Verified


We seek the truth of what's happening in America and the world. The Globalists, corrupt corporations, Big Pharma, and the Deep State Dems are behind the complete destruction of America. Please help us share the truth - it is time for America and the world to be free from tryanny once and for all! NO to communism/socialism, NO to vaccine mandates, NO to Satanism, NO to One World Order!!! Yes to God, capitalism & freedom forever. Please join us:

Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker


Doctor Chris Alan Shoemaker is a licensed Comprehensive Physician in Ontario and member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CCFP). He has in his 45 year career worked in Emergency Medicine in both Ontario (Ottawa and Hamilton Region) and British Columbia (Hope and Merritt in the B.C. Interior). He also did Family Practice on two military bases in Ontario (Borden and 8 Wing Trenton), assisting in the direct care of CF Members and their families. More recently in 2020 through 2022 he worked in direct patient care at the West Ottawa Covid Care Clinic, and was part of the Eastern Ontario Response Team to Covid-19. He spoke in the cold in front of Canada's Parliament at the Truckers Convoy in Ottawa three times. Based on studies out of Britain in Jan 2021- May 2022, he has spoken for the need to 'Save the Children - Stop the Vax'.