Magnates Media


🎥 Mini-movies about business, marketing, money, & more. 🤵 My name is John, and my goal is to make unique high-quality videos on fascinating subjects & stories (by blending information and entertainment together). 📺 Think of it like a slightly more productive version of Netflix... Unless you're a Netflix lawyer, in which case think of it as something else. 🤑 Whilst business & money are core themes of the channel (hence the 'Magnates' part of the name), my hope is that anyone can enjoy these videos, as we'll be diving into a wide range of interesting topics. 🔔 Feel free to subscribe if you'd like to come along for the ride. Business & Sponsor Inquiries:

Washingtonians Against the Mandate (WAM)


Governor Inslee fired 1,887 state staff on October 18, 2021 for not submitting to his COVID-19 vaccine mandate. A resistance movement to this mandate (WAM) was born within days of Inslee's August 9, 2021 proclamation at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) South Central Region (Yakima vicinity). WAM grew quickly to include both vaccinated and unvaccinated freedom-lovers including firefighters, EMTs, state patrol officers, correction officers, nurses, teachers, private citizens, and many more. WAM remains united in the fight for medical freedom of choice and informed consent! This channel is not designed to earn dollars but to operate as a journal. Its focus it to DOCUMENT the injustice for the record - and to remain one click away from anyone who seeks truth. We will not allow what happened to be swept under the rug. Those responsible for this infringement on our Civil Rights must be held accountable.



🎥 Mini-movies about business, marketing, money, & more. 🤵 my goal is to make unique high-quality videos on fascinating subjects & stories (by blending information and entertainment together). 📺 Think of it like a slightly more productive version of Netflix... Unless you're a Netflix lawyer, in which case think of it as something else. 🤑 Whilst business & money are core themes of the channel (hence the 'Magnates' part of the name), my hope is that anyone can enjoy these videos, as we'll be diving into a wide range of interesting topics. 🔔 Feel free to subscribe if you'd like to come along for the ride.



Welcome to the MARANATHA channel! Explore a world of gospel content that will strengthen your faith, expand your understanding of the Word of God, and dive deep into the scriptures. Here you will find praises that calm your mind and spirit in every moment. Subscribe now, like, and share our videos so that more lives can be blessed. Every share is an opportunity to spread the love of Christ and help others grow in faith. Let's journey together in pursuit of more of God, eagerly anticipating His return! Discover the supernatural, be blessed, and witness the power of God transforming your life!



🎥 Mini-movies about business, marketing, money, & more. 🤵 My name is John, and my goal is to make unique high-quality videos on fascinating subjects & stories (by blending information and entertainment together). 📺 Think of it like a slightly more productive version of Netflix... Unless you're a Netflix lawyer, in which case think of it as something else. 🤑 Whilst business & money are core themes of the channel (hence the 'Magnates' part of the name), my hope is that anyone can enjoy these videos, as we'll be diving into a wide range of interesting topics. 🔔 Feel free to subscribe if you'd like to come along for the ride.

Magnates del Ladrillo


Un canal para todas aquellas personas que quieren vivir de las rentas mientras duermen o están de vacaciones. Soy Charlie Hoyos y quiero ayudarte a través de toda la experiencia que he adquirido en los últimos 13 años como inversor y gestionando el patrimonio inmobiliario de mi abuelo. Contenido valioso y entrevistas con grandes inversores y expertos en diferentes áreas relacionadas con el mundo inmobiliario. Como decía mi abuelo, un molinero sin estudios que emigró a Suiza e invirtió en bienes raíces: «No hay que ser rico para vivir de las rentas, pero vivir de las rentas sí que te puede hacer rico» Y yo sigo sus pasos como inversor en bienes raíces. Si quieres aprender a vivir de las rentas y conseguir tu libertad financiera, ganar dinero mientras duermes, despedir a tu jefe, jubilarte cuando desees, disfrutar tus pasiones, conseguir tus objetivos y propósito de vida, y dejar un buen patrimonio a tus herederos, este canal es para ti.