The Wellness Way with Philly J Lay


Hello lovely people and thank you for being here. This channel is to help guide you on all the techniques that I used to self heal from a near death medical procedure… There is so much you can do for your health… that 'they' don’t want us to know… but I do! Rumble is one of the few places that we can speak the truth! You can subscribe to my Locals community to join me with some wonderful extra guests and in #phillyskitchen. Love and above, Philly

The Way To Native Chronicles


This channel features a variety of outdoors and hunting-related topics, ranging from wall tent camping, moose hunts, field preparation of game, trapping, reloading ammunition and even most aspects of bullet casting. Because I'm usually up to something, content is added frequently, but not unless I feel I have something useful or interesting to deliver. As its name suggests, what sets this channel apart from the usual is due to my wife. "Treaty Indian" (Canada), her side of the family puts a different spin on the way we hunt, when we hunt (she can do so all year), how we camp and how we handle game for consumption - both for the table and for use clothing. She is skilled in the traditional art of making moccasins, moss bags and such. This is complimented by being licensed trappers and having a trapline of our own. That gives us the supply of pelts needed for native crafts. For a look at our trapline you can check out the video entitled, "An Introduction To Our Trapline."

Break Away USA Verified


Break away USA takes a critical look at American culture and explores issues that concern those who value tradition, freedom of expression, and values Subscribe to our New Guards newsletter and get the tools on how to fight wokeness ► Visit Our Website ► Listen on Apple Podcasts ► Listen On Spotify ► Follow us on our socials to never miss a beat. ► Instagram: ► Twitter/X: ► Tik Tok: ► Rumble: ► Youtube: Fabian Garcia David Khait Kevin Phares Simon Essler Gentry Gevers Bryanna Robinson The New Guards

MamaBearsProject - It's okay to wait!


The Mama Bears Project is led by Police On Guard in collaboration with several organizations. The initiative was created to provide valuable and insightful resources for parents who have legitimate concerns about the lack of long-term safety data and inadequate studies for kids who aren’t an at-risk group for negative outcomes from the virus. The Mama Bears Project aims to help parents make informed decisions about their child’s health and connect parents with alternative education resources and learning pods within their community.