Conoce Ama Y Vive Tu Fe Luis Roman


A través de diversos temas, Luis Román comparte el Evangelio y profundiza en las bellezas y riquezas de nuestra Fe Católica. Luis Román es un católico comprometido, felizmente casado y es padre de 2 varones y 2 niñas. Tiene dos grados universitario a nivel de maestría en Administración y Gerencia Estratégica. Por más de 15 años ha trabajado con diversas empresas. Es miembro de la Orden de los Caballeros de Colon y tiene siete certificados con el New Saint Thomas Institute en Filosofía y Teología Católica con una concentración en Apologética y Pensamiento Tomístico. Actualmente es estudiante de Maestria en Teología con la Universidad de Steubenville. Los certificados son los siguientes: Catholic Philosophy and Thomistic Studies Catholic Theology Catholic Apologetics Catholic Church History: Patristics Catholic Church History: Medieval Catholic Church History: Modern Catholic Studies New Testament Puedes contactarlo por email:

Salon Ludzi Wolnych


Celem projektu „Salon Ludzi Wolnych” jest odblokowanie najpoważniejszych barier w społecznej komunikacji; związanych zarówno z treścią naszych dyskusji, jak i formą ich propagowania. Cywilizacyjne zagrożenia oraz największe społeczne problemy powinny być omawiane otwarcie, publicznie i bez lęku. Jedynie w taki sposób dotrzemy do wyczerpujących diagnoz, do najtrafniejszych definicji, do prawdy. Podczas dystrybucji wyprodukowanych już materiałów przyjęliśmy zasadę najdalej idącej współpracy wielu portali blogerskich, kanałów informacyjnych oraz platform ułatwiających emisję. ________________ Projekt realizowany jest przez Fundację Climat - Wolne Radio Gdynia, społeczność oraz zaprzyjaźnionych Twórców. Strona projektu: Kontakt : ________________ 
 Zmierzamy do wolnej, bezpiecznej Polski. Jeżeli chciałbyś udzielić wsparcia temu, co robimy, wystarczy drobna wpłata na rzecz Fundacji "Climat - Wolne Radio Gdynia" : 
66 1090 1102 0000 0001 4845 4990 PLN 86 1090 1102 0000 0001 4845 5018 USD Kod SWIFT/BIC do przelewu z zagranicy: WBKPPLPP 
W tytule przelewu prosimy wpisać: "Darowizna na cele statutowe". Konto PayPal SLW Bez Waszego wsparcia nic nie będzie możliwe. _________________ 
Uwarunkowania prawne. 
Drogi Użytkowniku, Materiał, który masz przed sobą, jest chroniony prawami autorskimi. Zachęcamy do rozpowszechniania tego materiału w całości. Jeśli jednak zdecydujesz się na dystrybucję w częściach, należy zachować integralności treści, aby uniknąć zmiany sensu oryginalnej wypowiedzi. W każdej dystrybucji obowiązkowe jest jasne wskazanie źródła poprzez zamieszczenie linku do strony internetowej

Lucid Dreaming Experience


Learn all about the Lucid Dreaming Experience from Lucid dreaming tutorials from a passionate lucid dream expert. I teach you how to sleep better, control your dreams and live a better life. I'm Stef, the guy behind HowToLucid, I'm a nomadic plant based lucid dreamer who loves sharing my experiences with you guys. I've got a background in psychology, biohacking and sleep science. This channel now has over 11M views and inspires millions people to learn how to lucid dream. Let me teach you how to control your dreams with something called 'lucid dreaming'. It lets you wake up your mind while you're sleeping/dreaming so that you can dream about anything you want, do impossible things and it will all FEEL very real.

Lucid Life Vibes Verified


Podcast Meditation Relaxation LIVE Streams Sacred Space Healing Health Wealth LIVE Personal Energy Readings 💫 Rapid Fire $11 Highest Timeline $33 Channeled with Energy Healing $55 Past Present Future with Activation $111. Get a FREE Reading with 1 on 1 Coaching ✨ Private and Personal VIDEO Readings $33 for 30 minute video $55 for hour long video. I upload your personal video reading as a private unlisted video just for you to watch as many times as you desire. It's so much easier to shift the unwanted and create what you want when you have a support system surrounding you. Lifting you up and reminding you who you truly are and what you really want. One on one coaching is personal and perfect for you. There is no system to fit into or work about it. It's a time for you to let go of what has been, while opening to what is possible. Knowing what you want and having someone come alongside you, assisting you in creating what you want. Coaching is for you, you tell me what you want, whether it's one word. Like, peace or abundance or love or maybe just better. A better life, a better experience. Together we focus the energy. We can clear past trauma, we can tune into your intuition and psychic abilities. It's your life, it's what you want. Let's shift the unwanted and create what you want starting right now. I'll send you my 7 day super simple guide, so you know what you want and have my daily support to focus your attention in week 1. It's unlimited texting with me on the Signal app, which has a video call feature for WEEKLY video calls. Together we create what you really want, at your pace. Peace, Harmony, Healing, Creating the way YOU Create. It's all for you and I'm ready to coach you over 3 or 4 weeks to boost your year and set you up for success. 3 Weeks $333 with a Free $33 Highest Timeline Reading * 1 hour weekly video calls + unlimited texting 4 Weeks $555 with a Free $55 Channeled Reading with Energy Healing * 1 and a half hour or 90 minutes weekly video calls + unlimited texting Coaching has been one of the most fulfilling things I've ever been a part of. It's life changing and powerful for those who are ready to invest in themselves. I'm only offering coaching for a limited time to a limited number of people. It's sacred space and one on one interaction and attention. See you in the chat, Britt

Luis Lazarus - Zeus TV


"Luis Lazarus - Zeus TV": emisiune interactivă, racordată la cele mai fierbinți si incitante subiecte ale zilei ! Exclusivități, evenimente majore, dezvăluiri cutremurătoare, anchete explozive, imagini inedite, dezbateri obiective, live-uri spectaculoase, cei mai importanți oameni ai momentului, totul într-o singură emisiune ! Cine nu e prezent în emisiune, nu există ! Realizator tv: jurnalistul de investigație Luis Lazarus. Ediții ale emisiunii "Luis Lazarus - Zeus TV" în: - canalul video "Luis Lazarus - Zeus TV" din - în secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "Luis Lazarus - Zeus TV" din Site-ul emisiunii "Luis Lazarus - Zeus TV":

Canal Umbanda Brasil - Luz, Caridade e Amor.


Canal Umbanda Brasil - Luz, Caridade e Amor. A Umbanda é uma religião brasileira que combina vários elementos das religiões africana, indígena e cristã, mas não é definida por elas. Fundada no início do século 20 na cidade de São Gonçalo, região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro no sudeste do Brasil, em conjunto com movimentos religiosos como Candomblé, Catolicismo e Espiritismo. É considerada uma "religião brasileira proeminente" que combina o catolicismo, as tradições africanas de Orissa e a espiritualidade indígena. O dia 15 de novembro é visto pelos torcedores como a data do surgimento da Umbanda, e entrou em vigor no Brasil em 18 de maio de 2012 pela Lei 12.644. Em 8 de novembro de 2016, Umbanda foi inscrita na Lista do Patrimônio Imaterial do Rio de Janeiro por decreto, após pesquisa do Instituto do Patrimônio Humanitário do Rio de Janeiro (IRPH).