Restalgia Verified


Thanks for checking out the channel. The name Restalgia comes from the two words "Retro" and "Nostalgia". I make videos about the sometimes forgotten and not so forgotten items from our past with a focus on video games, arcade machines, retro emulation and the like. That being said, I so will also being doing videos on new technology or products that peak my interest and even do things like modern gaming pc builds. I don't do much in the way of gaming news, instead I like do new product or software reviews, technology tutorials, unboxings and fun how-to videos on things like modding, hacking or improving different things. If you are interested in contact me to discuss a possible partnership, please send all mail to

Nostalgia Animada


**Bem-vindos ao Nostalgia Animada!** Prepare-se para uma viagem no tempo, onde as e as histórias encantadoras ganham vida novamente! Aqui no nosso canal, resgatamos os desenhos animados que marcaram gerações, trazendo de volta as risadas, as aventuras e as lições que nos acompanharam na infância. 🌟 **O que você encontrará aqui?** 🌟 - **Clássicos Inesquecíveis:** Acompanhe episódios e trechos dos seus desenhos favoritos, desde os icônicos da Hanna-Barbera até as obras-primas da Disney e muito conhecimentos sobre os personagens e enredos que marcaram sua infância. Se você é apaixonado por animações e deseja reviver os melhores momentos da sua infância, inscreva-se no nosso canal e ative as notificações para não perder nenhuma novidade. Traga seu coração nostálgico e vamos celebrar juntos o maravilhoso mundo dos desenhos animados antigos! **Nostalgia Animada: Onde a magia da animação nunca envelhece!** ---

Soothing relaxation


We are getting serious about anxiety relief. If folks talk about relaxation, it often seems like something which we are not always able to fit into our busy schedules. In fact, comfort can be among the healthiest things to incorporate into your everyday life. Daily stress can take a toll on both the physical and mental wellness. Studies show that various forms of relaxation helps decrease many chronic health concerns as well as restore energy and encourage a more positive sense of self.

vintage-inspired channel helps you relax and de-stress through soothing sights and sounds from the past.


Welcome to Nostalgia Therapy! This vintage-inspired channel helps you relax and de-stress through soothing sights and sounds from the past. Step back in time as we revisit simpler eras through ASMR-style audio, calm narration, and AI-generated retro visuals ranging from the 1920s to 1960s. Immerse yourself in historic fashions, homemaking activities, recipes, advice columns, and more. Our themed videos feature the best of yesteryear to soothe your soul. Relax as we transport you back through the decades. Feel good with the pleasant nostalgia of simpler times. This is Nostalgia Therapy - and feeling good is just a click away!