Master Lama Rasaji Verified


Master Lama Rasaji works with a select group of individual students. These students meet or speak with Rasaji in private sessions weekly , and also practice the Tai Chi Gung exercises. (See Store for more information. Live streamed classes at His private students come from all walks of life. Most are focused on overcoming any and all obstacles. They know and live abundance in every aspect of their lives: health, finances, relationships and service to the world. "As a private student of Master Lama Rasaji\'s for many years, I highly encourage you to go ahead and reach out to him. Send him an email. Introduce yourself." Master David Paul Email:

Rubén Luengas


Para no perdernos en el vértigo, para entender los acontecimientos y darles un contexto necesario, es imprescindible leer “entre líneas”; analizar y debatir “Entre Noticias”. Nuestra labor es la entrega de un periodismo profundo e interpretativo, con la colaboración de ilustrados columnistas y la fundamental participación de nuestros lectores, constituyendo una importante plataforma de comunicación alternativa para la comunidad hispano-parlante global. Periodista mexicano de trayectoria internacional en radio y TV, galardonado en Estados Unidos con los premios Emmy y Mark Twain, entre varios otros. En mayo de 2008, el prestigioso periódico The Washington Post reconoció la calidad de su trabajo periodístico en el noticiario "En Contexto", por el que también en México recibió en dos ocasiones consecutivas el Premio Nacional de Periodismo que otorga anualmente el Club Nacional de Periodistas. Invitado frecuente en diferentes universidades del sur de California como UCLA y Cal State Northridge, Rubén Luengas expone una férrea defensa del periodismo que contradice, en sus propias palabras, la forma adulterada que en algunos centros académicos y en muchos medios de información practican el oficio. Actualmente conduce el programa "Hablando Claro con Rubén Luengas", en cadena nacional por Univision America radio.

Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems


Olá, meu nome é Pericles A.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEu escrevo e posto vídeos das minhas frases e poesias em 2 línguas, todos são de minha própria autoria!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nAlém do jornal engraçado do gato tom: Extra! Extra! e outros quadros de humor!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nFaço as vozes dos gatinhos falantes sem nenhuma edição!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSem contar que eu ainda desenho as capas dos vídeos e os meus designs!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEu não copio frases, poemas ou mensagens de outros!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSupport the channel on Patreon - Ajude o canal pelo Patreon!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nHi there, my name is Pericles A.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI write and upload videos of my quotes and poetry in 2 language, all are from my own authorship!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI make the talking kittens voice without editing!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nWithout mention I still draw the videos covers and my designs!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nI do not copy quotes, poems and messages from others!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nQuer ajudar o canal pelo Patreon, adquirir os produtos exclusivos do canal com os meus designs,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nme seguir nas redes sociais, saber onde estou nas outras plataformas, e muito mais?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVisite o Blog do canal Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nWant to help the channel on Patreon, acquire the exclusive channel products with my designs,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nfollow me on social networks, know where I am on other platforms, and more?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVisit the Blog of the channel Frases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nBlog:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSe inscreva no canal e ative o sininho, deixe o seu rumble e compartilhe os vídeos!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nSubcribe to the channel turn on notifications, leave your rumble and share the videos!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n#FePQaP\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nFrases e Poemas - Quotes and Poems\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nEscrito por - Written By: Pericles A.(Myself)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nCopyright © All rights reserved.

The Cinema TV Network


Cinema TV - Audio & Visual Experience | LIVE 24/7 - Now Playing LIVE + Experience over 50+ Topics + Discover, Explore, Adventure, Experience New Topics, Experience the Journey. + Like, Follow, Share, Bookmark, Subscribe, Invite + Music, Chill, Relax, Activities, Lifestyle + HD, High Definition, Studio Quality Sound, Play on High Quality Speakers or Headphones + Cinema Quality, 4k Camera, 8k Camera, HD Camera + Mobile Theatre Experience | Play on High Quality Headphones, Speakers or Car Audio + Home Theatre Experience Experience | Animals, Sports, Travel, Music, Cars, Wild Life, Birds, Dogs, Nature, Activities, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Weekend Activities, Driving Music, Mix Tape, Music Mix, Road Trip Music, Travel Music, Good Morning TV, Workout Music, Streaming Music, Instrumental Music, Night life, Film, Learn, How to, Adventure, Audience, Outdoors, Surfing, Style, Horses, Music Videos, Educate, Bikes, Aurora, Dance Music, Downtown, City, Mountain Biking, Drums, Sky Diving, Cars, Pool, Sports Cars, Classic Cars, Interior Design, Home Interior Design, Apartment Interior Design, DJ, Club Music, Scuba Diving, Stereo Sound, Guitar, Under Water, Live Music, Video Learning, Art Gallery, Good Evening TV, Songs, Conversation Skills, Topics for Conversations, Social Skills, Break Beats, Motivational, Parkour, BMX Bikes, Electronica Music, Boats, Museum, Exploring, Nature World, Water Skiing, Castles, Cinematic Music, Car Audio, Education, Motion Graphics, Healing, Wake Boarding, Music, Dolby Surround Sound, Subwoofer, HQ, Day Time TV, Skate, Roller Coasters, Reggae Island, Video Editing, Interesting, Techno Music, Ancient, Games, 4k Camera, 8k Camera, HD Camera, Skate Boarding, Architecture, Radio, House Music, Fashion, Arcade Games, Bowling, TV, EDM, Electronic Dance Music, Fast Motion, Keyboard, Movie Shorts, Reels, Spring, Horse Racing, Home, Drums, Trance Music, After Hours TV, Chess, Photography, Symphony, Life Style, Music Channel, UHD Camera, Ice Skating, Cheerleading, Music Studio, Cats, Swimsuits, Flowers, Music Production, Exciting, Horse, Foosball, Winter, Music Radio, Piano, The Seasons, Cable, Summer, Console Games, HDR Camera, Fun, Sound Track, Sports, Water Parks, Retro, Basketball, PC Gaming, 120 fps Camera, Swimming, Bass, Weight Lifting, Dancing, Slow Motion, Pool, Snow Boarding, Guitar, Bathing Suits, Television, Autumn, Garden, Checkers, Stage, Culture, Horse Racing, 60 fps Camera, Amusement Parks, Retro Games, Thrilling, Soccer, Fans, Modeling, Art, Digital Video Magazine and More, 24/7 TV | Subscribe to Cinema TV Today. + Rewind and Fast Forward to Change Channel Topics and Songs. or Pause to use as a Picture Frame. + Listen or Watch Cinema TV at Home, Work, Car, or any place with your Mobile Device + Morning TV, Day Time TV, Prime Time TV, After Hours TV, 24/7 TV + FAC - Friday Afternoon Club | Every Friday Cinema TV Watch Party - See You There! + Visit Video Planet - Music Videos Cinema TV Statistics: Over 260,000+ Total Views raw views: 25,484 unique views: 9,630 raw views: 35,635 unique views: 13,390 raw views 31,062 unique views: 11,743 raw views: 20,947 unique views: 8,303 raw views: 46,985 unique views: 18,605 raw views: 42,394 unique views: 16,979 raw views: 18,902 unique views: 7,644 raw views: 31,926 unique views: 13,853

Cinema Relived


Welcome to Cinema Relived, where we redicover the magic of classic cinema! Our channel is dedicated to bringing you full-length, beautifully restored films from the golden age of filmmaking. From timeless Hollywood masterpieces to international gems, we celebrate the artistry, storytelling, and nostalgia of yesteryear. Whether you're a film enthusiast, history lover, or simply curious about the roots of cinema, you'll find a treasure trove of vintage movies, lovingly revived for modern audiences. Subscribe to Cinema Relived and journey back in time to relive the unforgettable moments that shaped the world of film.



🎬 Welcome to🌟🌟Mr CinemaStar🌟🌟 (Old Name : Mr. ViralStar) Show Your Support And Grow This Channel.. Keep Supporting Friends... Love You All ❤❤ Follow to MrViralStar : Donate: Your ultimate destination for all things cinema, Best Movies, Biography, Autobiographic Novels, Movie Facts, Best Directors, Legends, and the rich tapestry of cinematic history! 🌟 Join us as we embark on a fascinating journey through the captivating world of film, exploring the lives of legendary actors, directors, Awards, Historical best movies, autobiographic and the timeless classics that have shaped the landscape of cinema. Delve into the lives and legacies of cinema's greatest icons with insightful biographical content, uncovering the untold stories and behind-the-scenes secrets that define their remarkable careers. From Hollywood legends to international film stars, we celebrate the individuals whose contributions have left an indelible mark on the silver screen. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to Stay Tuned with Us.

Playfur Cinema


Welcome to Playfur Cinema! The cartoon history channel dedicated to the sexy and powerful world of anthropomorphic women cartoons. Some furry favorites such as Lola Bunny of Looney Tunes, Sally Acorn from Sonic the Hedgehog , Fifi La Fume and Callie Briggs from Swat Kats. My name is Jawbreaker and I'm the host and creator. Come for the ladies and stay for my academy award winning commentary! Check out our one and only Furry Girl Profile cartoon review series talking about the history of each girl extending from the 1920's and beyond. Maybe you do like my jokes and enjoy rants and opinions. Check out the Gone with the Fur series. We also causally feature small stuff from commercials, public domain cartoons and yes even some gaming played by me. Please subscribe to us and lend us your support today!

True Survivor Cinema Verified


Independent Filmmaker Welcome to True Survivor Cinema. I founded my company while in college in the deserts of So Cal. I spent most of my time either working in entertainment in Hollywood or backpacking across the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Deserts. Basically, growing up I was either risking my life in LA traffic or sleeping peacefully in abandoned mine shafts. I graduated CSU Northridge with a BA in Cinema and Television Arts and bounced around Hollywood a little. Soon I wound up in Radio and stuck there for 12 years until covid, so now I'm working my way back in to other areas.

Cinema For Motivation, Education And Relaxation


Welcome to this channel. This channel is a peaceful space dedicated to nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. Our channel offers a unique blend of educational and motivational content designed to help you relax, recharge, and grow. Each video is crafted with care to support your journey toward personal development and inner peace. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or seeking motivation to achieve your goals, this channel is here to help you find balance and serenity. Subscribe and join our community on the path to a more mindful, fulfilled life. Disclaimer: The content on this channel may include elements created or assisted by artificial intelligence. While we strive for accuracy and quality, some videos may contain AI-generated visuals, scripts, or information that may not reflect human oversight. Viewer discretion is advised.

Aflam Masrya أفلام مصرية


مرحبًا بكم في قناة "أفلام مصرية" - وجهتكم المفضلة للاستمتاع بأروع الأعمال السينمائية من كنوز السينما المصرية! 🎥✨ على قناتنا، ستجدون مجموعة متنوعة من الأفلام المصرية الكلاسيكية والنادرة، بالإضافة إلى الأعمال الحديثة التي تركت بصمة في تاريخ الفن السابع. سواء كنتم من عشاق الأفلام الرومانسية، الكوميدية، الدرامية، أو حتى أفلام الحركة والإثارة، فلدينا كل ما يلبي ذوقكم. نحن نهتم بتقديم محتوى ذو جودة عالية يعكس روعة السينما المصرية من مختلف العصور، بدءًا من زمن الفن الجميل وحتى الإنتاجات الحديثة. انضموا إلينا لنسترجع معًا ذكريات أجمل الأفلام ونكتشف روائع جديدة. لا تنسوا الاشتراك في القناة وتفعيل جرس التنبيهات ليصلكم كل جديد، ومشاركتنا آرائكم وتعليقاتكم حول الأفلام التي تعشقونها! ❤️🎬 #أفلام_مصرية #سينما_كلاسيكية #أفلام_عربية #زمن_الفن_الجميل #دراما_مصرية #كوميديا_مصرية #سينما_مصرية