Chlorine Dioxide Truth (Further Light and Knowledge)


If someone wants to learn about Chlorine Dioxide (aka CD or MMS) as a medicine they would first need to understand why it has such negative press from the mainstream media outlets, Pharmaseutical companies, the FDA and on social media. Simply put, IT IS INEXPENSIVE, YOU CAN MAKE IT AT HOME, AND IT WORKS! This does not fit the for-profit business model of any company or regulating government. Anyone that really takes the time to learn about it will find that there are two extremes of people talking about it. The first group (Which you could call the "Newsies") reports that it is fake medicine, snake oil and some kind of toxic-bleach-poison. The other group (Which could be called the "Grass Roots" Group) gives thousands of testimonies of real people who tell how it helped with diseases. infections and other ailments. My mission with these playlists is to find and explain the truths of what CD is and how it can help the body. I also take some time to explain why it gets so much negative publicity from the "powers that be". I have spent about 300 hours in this study and receive no pay for my work. My compensation comes from being able to learn, test and teach about what I have experienced. It will save you money, improve the quality of life and even save lives. I also have a free book for anyone who wants to learn the basics about this as a health suppliment. You can download it from this link:

Outside Your Backdoor Verified


A (what I understand to be) average man who has a wife and 3 kids. Who works a 9-5 job with no crazy college education. I dream of a better future for my children and strive for a better reality for my family. Here we discuss and observe all realms of any mainstream or "What everyone has been saying" topics and have open ended discussions. We will all use the same tools we all have in this modern era. Feel free to chime in, comment, and tune in when we do go live. No current schedule .. Stay TUNED! - Sincerely, Dusty

Graphene Oxide and How It Gave Me Morgellons Disease ( Funk Around and Find Out )


Because I was deleted from YouTube almost immediately. Some videos are out of order. I uploaded them in the correct order, and no matter how many times I delete and re upload it still does it. Just another way the Matrix likes to fuck with me i guess 😂 This channel started out about frequencies. I started it to explain Rife Frequency Technology to the average civilian. I was going to cover how frequencies relate to manifestation, the matrix, souls, higher selves, aliens, God, and how they are used every day in the world around you, while the general population remains oblivious to the subject. Because of Events that have happened in my life, especially over the last year, I have uncovered the truth about a TRUE EVIL. Now I spend my limited time creating videos disclosing what I know about GRAPHENE and GRAPHENE OXIDE, aka the “BLACK GOO,” and how it has caused me to develop MORGELLONS DISEASE. This substance is THE BIGGEST THREAT TO HUMANITY, and it has taken precedence over absolutely everything else in my life. Nothing is the same as it was just a year ago. I talk about what GRAPHENE OXIDE is, why “They” want to impose it upon the human population, its painful effects, and how it has caused MORGELLONS DISEASE, among other symptoms. I explain how it is literally IN EVERYTHING. In the food, in the water, and in the beauty products that you consume daily. I provide physical PROOF. I show EVIDENCE, I cite research and I show you my experiments so you can see for yourself that GRAPHENE OXIDE is indeed in EVERYTHING. I show you how GRAPHENE OXIDE reacts to energy such as ( but not limited to ) Electro Magnetic Fields and 5G frequencies, because after all, this subject ( as well as everything else! ) is still closely related to frequencies I will talk about how to detox from this poison, and what you can do to try and limit your exposure to it. This Channel is for anyone who knows about the dangers of GRAPHENE OXIDE, those suffering from complications from the Vax, or who have developed mysterious unexplainable symptoms over the last few years, and of course everyone who is trying to rid the NanoTech from their blood. The Matrix does not want the the general public to know about this substance and what it is doing to you. This information is a strait up ATTACK ON THE MATRIX! This disclosure is my only way of fighting back. Since I am only one man, standing up to a nefarious Kabal with nearly unlimited resources and manpower If you do not understand my preceding statements, or seem confused by what I am talking about, I strongly urge you to TURN BACK NOW! Exit this page immediately. Go back to sleep. Enjoy the Matrix with the remaining time that you have got left in blissful ignorance. For those of you who remain… WELCOME TO MY RABBIT HOLE… IT’S DARK DOWN HERE…

Outside The Box with Flash


By the United Handyman Association a non profit handyman trade association. Hosted by Flash Shelton handyman business coach and founder, Executive Director of the United Handyman Association. The UHA Is a non profit advocate for the handyman, industry and the consumer. A group of individual businesses with a common goal working to create a better industry future. Flash has been a handyman since 1983 and the founder of the UHA. This covers all types of handyman related topics for the handyman and his customers. All videos are non scripted opinions based on his years of trade experience, research and just persistence for related knowledge. Flash shares his experiences and opinions that have enabled his success as a handyman since 1983. Now helping others through the United Handyman Association and several social media platforms as a way to give back to an industry that has given so much. Follow on IG @flashshelton @Handyman_Answers on Facebook @handymanassociation.

Victoria Outside


Welcome to my channel! My name is Victoria, I really love nature, forest, outdoor cooking, Handmade and solo Off grid advantages; In my videos, I show and improve my bushcraft skills and create a cozy atmosphere in the wild: build natural shelters for camping, cook interesting dishes on fire, upgrade woodworking with hand tools, learn survival skills and always looking for new adventures in beautiful wild locations. If you like feeling to become one with nature - Don’t forget to subscribe

Jordan Outside


I scout out and share the BEST beaches, snorkeling, waterfalls, mountains, slot canyons, excursions, and hotels/resorts/villas so YOU can EXPLORE with confidence! I’ve already done the research and filmed each travel adventure for you. I film each destination in geographical order so you can decide which places you want to include on your trip. I have created a blog post with a video, text, pricing, and checklist for each destination to make sure you're prepared. Check out the full adventure at

From The Outside In


“From the Outside In” is hosted by two naturalized American citizens who were born in France and England. Ismaine and Robin have been working together in and around American politics for about a decade and launched this channel to share their views of American life, culture, politics, institutions, and economics. Their discussions are informed by their former lives in, and experiences of, their native countries and cultures. This channel is their small contribution to ensuring that their adoptive nation of the USA understands what makes it special and learns from the mistakes that others have made. The name “From the Outside In” refers both to Ismaine and Robin’s status as immigrants and to the perspective that they bring to this country.

Journey on the Outside


Sane thinking in an insane world. Focus on ballot access outside the traditional two parties to bring politics under cleansing free-market forces. From the producer of "ACCESS", a documentary about ballot access challenges for new parties and independents in a world where the establishment parties make the rules. Also the author of of "Localism, a philosophhy of government" and "Journey on the Outside, My Life as an Activist" for which this channel is named.