The Late Boy Scout


Get into Gear and Ideas for Freedom and Fun. On this channel you'll find top-quality videos about guns, knives, and all kinds of related gear - plus outdoor adventures, tactical training reports, and thoughts about lawful self defense and daily preparedness. This channel is FAMILY-SAFE, for your kids and mine. I believe in the Constitution, and in working within the law to maintain our God-given rights. While faith in God is not the primary focus of my videos, it is a fundamental part of who I am, and I hope it shows. "The Last Boy Scout" was the 90's action flick that inspired my name. The word "Last" felt pretentious, so I replaced it with "Late", as in "Late to the party". You can refer to me as Scout, Boy Scout, Late, Late Boy Scout, LBS, TLBS, or just call me Shane. I REPRESENT MYSELF. If you've been contacted by someone claiming to be affiliated with me, you are being scammed. Contact Shane directly at: #avantlink

Unstoppable Music Mixes


Hello music lovers, My name is Abel (a.k.a. DJ Coconutjoe) and a I am a retired mobile/club disc jockey. I first created this page for family and friends who needed music for party events and/or gym workouts. But then I realized I could and should make music for you to. So if you don’t see your favorite genre; have no fear, different genre’s will be here (eventually). I will make all sorts of genre mixes. From dance to rock, rap and R/B, while covering decades of music from the 70’s thru the present. I hope you like the music choices; but if you don’t, let me know if you have any ideas for a new mix. Take care and a have a wonderful day…