Frequenzen für Deine Gesundheit


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Hello Pangea is a play on two words. The “hello” portion refers to a common ritual of computer programmers when they first work with a new coding software. It is good luck and a good sign when you get the phrase “Hello World!” displayed after writing your first few lines of code. The programmer knows the settings are correct, the software is functioning properly, and they can begin coding. The “Pangea” portion refers to the super continent that existed many moons ago that over time broke apart into the current seven continents. In some sense, we were all together on one big island. So, what’s the play? Our overarching goal is to build your capacity as a person in various areas. We will explore many topics and tackle them with various tools. We believe that the larger your capacity in each skill set allows you to be self-confident, independent, and helpful to others. As we build our capacity and willingness to help each other we become closer together (the mindset of Pangea). With that… Hello Pange


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My channel is a collection of videos that showcase your unique talents and interests. Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker, a passionate vlogger, or a talented musician, your channel gives you the opportunity to share your creativity with the world. Your Rumble channel is a platform where you can upload your videos and reach a broader audience. You can categorize your videos according to the themes that interest you, making it easy for your viewers to find the content they enjoy. As you upload more videos, you can track their performance and engagement, and use this information to improve your content and reach more viewers. With your Rumble channel, you can also monetize your content and earn revenue from your videos, making it an excellent platform for creators who want to turn their passion into a career.