

¡Bienvenido a E Resumen Militar, Aquí encontrarás una fuente completa y confiable de información sobre asuntos y noticias militares de todo el mundo! Nuestro canal está dedicado a mantenerte al tanto de los desarrollos más importantes en el ámbito militar, desde conflictos internacionales y tecnología de vanguardia hasta análisis estratégicos y reportajes exclusivos. Nuestro equipo de expertos en asuntos militares se esfuerza por brindarte cobertura detallada y objetiva para que puedas comprender mejor el panorama global de la seguridad y la defensa. Únetenos para explorar el emocionante mundo de las fuerzas armadas y estar al tanto de las últimas novedades que afectan a la seguridad global.

Double Set Gaming


I like to think of myself as a skater even though I haven’t skated in a few years, this is why I love playing skate games, hence calling my YouTube channel Double Set Gaming. When I’ve had a stressful day at work the best way I find to relax is by playing skate games, this is why I find it easy to make montage videos from the hours of footage I can create when trying to relax. There is something about skate footage, whether it is real life or gaming, that helps me to relax. This is why I have created Double Set Gaming, somewhere I can post my own gaming montage videos in the hopes that it will help others relax. If you would like to support Double Set Gaming you can do so by heading on over to Buy Me a Coffee, link above. If you can’t afford to buy me a coffee then a subscribe and a few likes and comments on my videos would be greatly appreciated support, because it would be nice to own a silver play button one day. Thank you for your time, keep skating!

Blessed Lofi & Ambience


Welcome to Blessed Relaxing Music, the home of the world’s best relaxing music. Our purpose and passion is to help you relax, unwind and rejuvenate through better sleep, reduced stress, greater concentration and improved mental wellness. We produce the best relaxing music with high-quality instruments like flute, harp, piano and many more. We combine our music with imagery from the world’s most beautiful locations, ensuring that you will feel a sense of deep relaxation whilst watching them. Thank you for your support! Love, the Blessed Relaxing Music.