Chastity White Rose: The Vegan Virgin


I have recorded many videos and podcasts both by myself and many other people. However censorship became a problem for me on YouTube and so I came to Rumble in the hopes that if I do say something that others disagree with that my videos won\\\'t be deleted for no good reason. I don\\\'t promote hate or violence but I am a Vegan and an Anti-Vaxxer. People don\\\'t always like what I have to say but I believe in free speech and truth. But my main focus is on video games, computer programming, and the books I write which have nothing to do with Covid19 or the harms of Vaccines.

Jenny Logan, CFP® Verified


I’m Jenny Logan, Certified Financial Planner™, rural living evangelist, aspiring homesteader, and business owner. I make videos about traveling the road to financial freedom, self-sufficiency, and a life of purpose and meaning. What you will find on this channel: 1. Straightforward strategies that, with a little discipline, anyone can implement to work towards financial success. 2. A glimpse into my life as a wife and active community and church member in a rural village on Lake Ontario. 3. Honest guidance about how to approach the stock market during the ups and downs. -- Chisholm Financial, Inc. is a Registered Investment Advisor All content is not to be received as advice and each individual should consult with their dedicated financial planner, tax preparer, estate attorney, etc. before making any financial decisions.