LockPickingLawyer Verified


This channel aims to educate consumers about weaknesses and defects in security devices so they can make better security decisions. It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: do not use any of the information presented in my videos for illegal purposes. My mailing information is below. Do NOT send anything you want back unless I’ve agreed in advance to do so. LockPickingLawyer P.O. Box 215 Damascus, MD 20872 USA Please note that I do not recommend locks, nor do I provide assistance in opening them. For advice getting started in locksport, I recommend the “University” at LockLab.com. For all other inquiries, email me (channel name at gmail). One final note - I usually receive over one hundred emails each day, and though I spend a couple hours a day answering emails, I can’t answer them all. Apologies in advance if your email is one that slips through the cracks.

Guns, Gear, and Second Amendment News (Uncensored) Verified


Advocating for the Second Amendment freedoms of Americans is our number one thing. - Interviews with firearms rights advocates. - Updates on the fight to safeguard the Second Amendment. - Gun and gear reviews About comments: Comments are welcome. That said, I believe in being respectful of others, so "trolling" comments; comments that contain profanity, sexually explicit material or personal attacks; and off-topic comments that have nothing to do with firearms or firearms related subjects will be deleted. Visit my blog for articles on guns and gun related stuff at http://gunguy.tv/ All content on this channel is under Copyright © 2024 by KBTN Inc. All rights reserved #904301

Four Boxes Diner Second Amendment


The Four Boxes Diner serves up hot, fresh Second Amendment news and analysis. You’ll get the inside scoop from constitutional attorney Mark W. Smith, a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, a professor, a frequent Fox News guest, and a New York Times bestselling author. Mark's books include The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, First They Came for the Gun Owners, and Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting, and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back. To defend your liberty, you need to understand the “four boxes” of American liberty: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammunition box. We give you the information you need, and we hope to serve as your source for Bill of Rights news and analysis. Use of this channel and the viewing of its videos are subject to the Disclaimers set forth in the videos and on www.thefourboxesdiner.com

All Things Lawyer


Seasoned attorney, Bobbie Anne Cox, gives her perspective on all things lawyer... from exposing news media mis-information, to insights on how to understand current events from a legal standpoint, and much more! Don't forget to click "subscribe", and share our videos! Note/Disclaimer: This channel does not provide legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is established by viewing our videos or subscribing. The thoughts/opinions are my own & are not to be relied upon as legal advice.

Charles Lawson - Temple Baptist Church


The purpose of this channel was to help with the temporary audio issues present in the previous recordings of the sermons and Sunday school lessons at Temple Baptist Church. This Church has done so much to bring my family closer to Jesus Christ. I can't thank them enough. I suppose I should also say, I don't live near Temple Baptist and, though I'd love to, don't go to this Church. I get these videos from Temple Baptist's website - http://www.thelionofjudah.org/ through a few different methods depending on if the individual video has been uploaded or the full stream. -update- though there are still some occasional audio glitches on the source videos, it looks like they have the low audio/single channel problem sorted out. I'm keeping this channel up because I've found I very much enjoy sharing it.

Canhoto Armamentista


Seja bem vindo ao canal do Canhoto Armamentista! (eu não tinha nome melhor pra batizar o canal) O objetivo deste canal é trazer entretenimento e informações para todas as pessoas que se interessam por armas, técnicas de tiro, testes balísticos e legislação. Alguns vídeos serão informativos, outros voltados para comentários e por último mas não menos importante, muitos vídeos conterão sarcasmo e bom humor. Se tiver dificuldade de classificar o conteúdo que viu no canal basta deixar nos comentários que responderei assim que possível. Sobre comentários: Seja livre para comentar suas opiniões, inclusive aquelas que forem contrárias às expostas aqui. Se puder ser bem educado, não perca a oportunidade. Se não puder tudo bem! Só não espere o mesmo de mim ok? Aceitamos inscrições de canhotos, destros e ambidestros, seja na habilidade motora ou visão política.