Dr. Scott Young - NESARA & Hope in the Last Days!


Here are the Writings and Teachings of Dr. Scott Young. I have spent 37 years studying the Bible related to Medical topics that prove Scripture is true. I, therefore, teach threef series: 1. The Truth and Lies of What We Believe - a practical understanding of the meanings of the words in the Bible and answering the hardest questions of the Word. 2. Hope in the Last Days - This is a step-by-step 13 weeks series in which we walk through why 29% of the Word discusses the End Times and how not to be fearful of it. 3. We also indicate how history and money interact together inside of NESARA and how the Bible confirms those views.

The Last Days - by Pastor Joseph Cortes


If you're looking for teaching on the man-made Daniel's 70th week magical last 7 years pre-tribulation end times Christian Science Fiction Doctrine (CSF), you wont find it here. Keep in mind, this collection is an ongoing series. It's important to start from the beginning, and work your way up to the present day because you'll need the earlier info to understand the latter episodes. In the first video, Pastor Joseph Cortes of "Faith Coming By Hearing" ministries will introduce his Last Days teaching series which began August 9, 2009 and has continued until the present day. In the second video Pastor Cortes will explain the historical origins of the CSFD myth & beliefs (mentioned above), held by the modern church today. From then on, it's a roller coaster ride using Biblical and secular historical dates, times, and events that mark the fulfillment of end times prophecies stretching from the Old Testament into the New Testament, on to the modern day, and into the very short future ahead before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. OH! Have your Bible and pen or pencil ready from the start. You don't yet know what a blessing it will be later to reference those notes you've made. Want more of Pastor Cortes? Visit http://www.TeachingFaith.com Access his video archives in the Teaching Center. at: http://www.teachingfaith.com/teaching-center Watch Joseph A. Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries LIVE at 4 PM PST every Monday and Thursday nights at http://teachingfaith.com/watch Enjoy the ride!



Welcome to our channel, dedicated to helping you prepare spiritually for the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We are non-denominational, yet we are committed to presenting easy-to-understand content from God's inspired words in the Bible (NKJV/KJV). Our content features relaxing and instrumental music, allowing you to focus better and enjoy our videos anytime, anywhere. Let the voice of our Lord guide you through this journey of Salvation. As Born-Again Christians, we encourage others to seek salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ. We hope that many will be saved and escape damnation, as Jesus said in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." God bless you, and we hope to see you in Heaven. Donate to our channel: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=FTUC9ZBBS6Y2G ====================================================== To receive our inspirational videos and support your journey of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, subscribe to our channel. ====================================================== What should be your next steps? 1) Trust in the Lord Jesus 2) Pray every day 3) Tell our lord your frustrations 4) Ask Him for guidance 5) Study the Bible diligently. 6) Run away from sin 7) Find a church based on biblical sound teaching

Last Days Messages Verified

1 Follower

In 2013 I was told by the Lord that He is sick to His stomach from the Lukewarmness that has taken over His church and that He is about to vomit this Lukewarm church out of His mouth as stated in Revelation 3. This lukewarmness has been in the church for well over a thousand plus years and God has finally had enough and is getting ready to vomit His lukewarm church out of His mouth. The message I was given, was to go to His leaders and His people to let them know, they MUST turn from the Lukewarmness in His church. Too many traditions and “ways we have always done things”, etc., have been added to His church and the way they operate and worship the Lord. We all must get back to His word, solely. We must take a deep look at what we consider today's church to be, compared to what Jesus taught and how the disciples practiced what Jesus gave them. We should all be experiencing the power that was promised in the book of Acts, which is based on the power of the Holy Spirit, not the acts of man, that power is almost non-existent today. Each person must examine every facet of their worship to be sure it is in line with what is in God's word. God wants us to be hot, not lukewarm. We all must change our ways and eliminate everything that is not in God's word.

Last Day Grind


Welcome to my channel! This is my general hang out for anything cool. It can cover machines, restorations, artwork, rides, nature, stationary, tools, poetry, history, and anything that captures the human spirit. Last Day Grind is a nod to the last day of putting all you’ve got into something worth while. Anyone who’s done any worthwhile journey knows it can be a grind (and often is). But when you’re giving 100%, even when the chips are down, and you fight the good fight till last day - the result is what you can proudly say is your own, no matter what it is. This is my hang out where I applaud important moments and the final outcome of such a journey…