Ham On The Air with KD2REU


In 2019 I became a licensed amateur radio operator - KD2REU. I started with an inexpensive HT on VHF. A few months after that, I upgraded my FCC license and began experimenting with HF. With this new hobby, I am learning the radio business from the ground up. Through my adventures, challenges, mishaps, and achievements, I want to share the knowledge I am gathering with other new hams who are starting the same journey. I also invite more experienced hams to this community so that we can help grow the hobby together! Without the experienced hams out there sharing their passion for this hobby it wouldn\'t have much of a future. We will visit destinations related to amateur radio, ham fests, museums, clubs, stations, ham shacks, conventions, gatherings, educational programs, and much, much more. We will share knowledge and learn and laugh together. Please join me on this journey as I document my adventures and help spread excitement and enthusiasm for the amateur radio hobby!



Il mondo necessita di un grande cambiamento, di una vera Rivoluzione. Perchè parlare di rivoluzione culturale? In un mondo con così tanti problemi, alcuni potrebbero chiedersi, perchè concentrarsi sulla cultura, quando abbiamo problemi ben più gravi, come la fame, l\'inquinamento, la povertà, le crisi economiche, guerre, violenza ecc.... La cultura in confronto ai grandi problemi è un dettaglio, ma è di estrema importanza, perchè cambiando piccole cose nella nostra quotidianità, sopratutto legate alla cultura, noi cambiamo il mondo e combattiamo guerre, povertà e ingiustizia ... Quando cambiamo noi stessi nella nostra quotidianità, non facciamo cose banali, in realtà stiamo infatti cambiando il mondo! È cambiando i dettagli quotidiani che si fanno le rivoluzioni Non ci può essere una vera rivoluzione se non si parte da una RIVOLUZIONE CULTURALE. BUONA RIVOLUZIONE A TUTTI!!!

Islam On Demand


The videos uploaded to our Rumble channel are ones we could not upload to our YouTube channel due to censorship. For many more videos, check our YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/islamondemand YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/islamondemand BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/islamondemand Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/islamondemand Website: https://www.islamondemand.com 1000 Free MP3s: https://www.aydenzayn.com/free Free eBook: https://www.30factsaboutislam.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/islamondemand Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/islamondemand

Fitzwilliam on tour


With our less or more pronounced talents and our good opportunities, we can make the world a more beautiful place. Fitzwilliam on tour | F.O.T. Platform that deals with the evolution and emancipation of keyboard music in the 16th and 17th centuries with a focus on the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (1560-1620), on early Iberian keyboard music, but also on G. Frescobaldi, D. Buxtehude, J. Pachelbel a.m.o. https://www.ring-website.de/fitzwilliam-on-tour https://www.youtube.com/@fitzwilliamontour https://rutube.ru/plst/56280/ Fitzwilliam on tour forms an interface between different musical currents and projects. Institutionalization would be a nice goal.  F.o.t. is an opportunity to get to know works by well-known, little-known and anonymous composers.  After all, listening and playing - the extensive preoccupation with this beautiful music - is a lot of fun. Cordial invitation. Cuckoo Clock Media | F.o.t. production is the associated private, non-commercial label. Dr. Johannes B. Ring