Master Lama Rasaji Verified


Master Lama Rasaji works with a select group of individual students. These students meet or speak with Rasaji in private sessions weekly , and also practice the Tai Chi Gung exercises. (See Store for more information. Live streamed classes at His private students come from all walks of life. Most are focused on overcoming any and all obstacles. They know and live abundance in every aspect of their lives: health, finances, relationships and service to the world. "As a private student of Master Lama Rasaji\'s for many years, I highly encourage you to go ahead and reach out to him. Send him an email. Introduce yourself." Master David Paul Email:

John Lamb Lash


This channel is set up exclusively to showcase the work of John Lamb Lash, author of Not In His Image: Nemeta, the School of Sophianic Arts and Sciences, is the on-line portal to a range of experimental learning paths based on the legacy of mythologist and visionary teacher John Lamb Lash. Organized thematically in 16 learning paths, the School offers a rich and diverse array of material for “adult education,†customized to meet the challenges of Kali Yuga. Drawing upon the lineage of the Mystery Schools, Nemeta presents Gnosis in a novel iteration, grounded in the sacred narrative of the wisdom goddess Sophia, the plenary sovereign intelligence of the living earth.

Relaxing Music


Spa Massage Music World Music For Cozy Relaxation , Meditation Music, Yoga music, Spa music and Relaxing Music. Our relaxing massage music and meditation music has a variety of genres, including Tantric and Tibetan meditation and this calm music includes binaural beats. Many people use our relaxing meditation music or peaceful music to find inner peace or use our relaxing music as yoga music for yoga, massage music or as Tantric music if stress relief music is what you want. This relaxing sleep music and Tantric best music for meditation for sleep and relaxation. So, whether it’s yoga music for yoga practice, Mantra, Tantric, Arabic music, soothing music for sleep hypnosis or meditation, soft music, calm music, massage music for spa, study music for study, or music for sleep that you want, our peaceful music is best relaxing music.

Lassa Vakk


Currently working on unofficial soundtracks for some tv's shows that are sentimental to my childhood. Any soundtrack suggestions are welcome! I would love to work on anything I can! Just a guitar playing/song writing hobbyist with mostly instrumentals in the genres and styles of post rock, prog rock, ambient, experimental. I have some collaborations and I'm also working on unofficial soundtracks. Planning on these Unofficial soundtracks... Adventures In Odyssey The Greatest Adventure: Stories From The Bible The Last Chance Detectives Mass Effect Dark Forces/Jedi Knight KOTOR I might try video game soundtrack covers in the near future as well as no commentary video game let's plays. --Make weird music. If it's not weird, it's not personal. If it's not personal, it's not good. Also find Lassa Vakk here...



I am a Bible believing Christian who is looking to learn of and Reveal the Lamb of God, the channel seeks to study the Bible, discuss current events, learn how to grow in Jesus Christ and help others find Him through Bible study. Join us as we seek to learn about Jesus Christ so we can Reveal the Lamb of God. John 14:6 KJV Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Giving Glory to God—To give glory to God is to reveal His character in our own, and thus make Him known. And in whatever way we make known the Father or the Son, we glorify God (Manuscript 16, 1890). {7BC 979.4} For any comments or questions please email me and may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

Lambs Hill USPSA


As a newcomer to the United States Practical Shooting Association, I created this channel to pass along helpful tips and information to anyone who is new to or thinking about getting into USPSA or any form of competitive shooting. On this channel you will find everything USPSA, from match videos, to rules discussions, to gear reviews. If you enjoy the content on this channel, please let me know by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel! -Safety Notice- I encourage the safe and responsible ownership of firearms. All activities performed on this channel are done in a safe, controlled environment. *Lambs Hill USPSA is not produced or endorsed by the US Practical Shooting Association. All opinions are my own and do not reflect the views of USPSA or any of its members*

Pioggia rilassante


The sounds of rain and thunder are among the most popular relaxing sounds of nature because they promote sleep and make it easier to fall asleep. Also, the sound of rain can be considered as a relaxing natural white noise that helps clear and calm the mind. The black screen, which blocks out annoying light, creates the ideal environment for a good night's sleep. If you're having trouble falling asleep, ask yourself how to sleep well. To sleep well, the relaxing sounds of nature help us. The sound of rain or the sound of rain with its calming and sleep-inducing effect is particularly suitable for meditation, relaxation meditation or sleep meditation. This type of audio video is very effective for relaxing and getting back to sleep, fighting anxiety and stress-related insomnia and sleeping well thanks to the special calming effect of the sound of rain.

Follow The Lamb Today


Follow The Lamb Today is an end times ministry that strives to teach the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Please contact us for questions concerning the Word, the narrow path that leads to life, and how it all relates to the times that we are living in. This channel is not funded by any outside sources and donations are not accepted. Please give to the ones in need (Matthew 25:34-36/40). If this channel has blessed you, please pass it along to others that thirst for the truth.