The Plan To Save The World


This channel contains videos about our current social and political environment. What is happening to the world? Why has evil overtaken our churches, our government, our education system, and all those things we hold dear? Is there something hiding in the darkness that we do not know about? Where has the goodness gone? What has happened to common sense and courtesy? Was it planned to be like it has become? The answer to that is yes. We are in a unprecedented 5G information war with the deep state cabal (globalists, elites) who plan to control the world, genocide humanity down to 500 million (easier to control that amount of people) and force the 500 million to be their slaves. To them, we are useless eaters and beneath them. These videos will bring darkness into the light. The videos explain why we are under a continuation or continuity of government (COG), known by Anons from "Q - The Plan To Save The World. It took 20 years to prepare for The Plan. They explain why the COG was necessary, when it began and how it was established, based on military and federal laws and orders. I recommend you follow Derek Johnson, @1776RatteTrap, who has photos of Trump and him together when he visited Mar-a-logo nine times (maybe more to date) for details with evidence about the COG. Derek has also written a book called "The Midnight Rider Rides Again, a basic, easy to understand blueprint of The Plan. He describes that the COG is based on President Donald J. Trump's Executive Orders (EOs), which "resident" plugged actor, Joe Biden, continues to extend. (Have you noticed how he gets taller one day, shorter the next; how his face, ears, chin and neck are contorted; or how many times he got Covid, although he's been vaccinated several times? Didn't he say you won't get Covid if you get vaccinated?) And, why does Trump keep saying he's shot in the head? Maybe the "real" Biden was executed by military tribunal in 2016.) When it comes to caring about America, Trump and Biden are total opposites. So, why would Joe continue to extend Trump's EOs? We know how much he prefers Ukraine over America. Hasn't Joe given billions and billions of dollars (money laundering) to Ukraine? What has he done for America? He's hardly done anything, except give us a tiny Covid check. He has hated America since he took office 50+ years ago. He's been a deep state puppet since his first day. Isn't it time Congress had term limits? They only made term limits for the President and not themselves. This is the reason we have corrupt career politicians. This action was used by the deep state to install their puppets. Do you understand why we have Dominion voting machines and mail boxes for votes? Some refer to our elections as rigged or they cheated, but I call it what is truly is - the overthrowing of We The People's government. The deep state wants a NWO, a one world government, referred to as The Great Reset, which was designed to force us into complete slavery. They promised we would eat bugs, own nothing and be happy. Whereas there were many America First Patriots who decided to obliterate the deep state's USA Inc and it's Federal Reserve (IRS is usury), plus prosecute and convict those who are corrupt and treasonous via military tribunals. We are in a COG/military occupation, because Trump announced nine (9) National Emergencies. At that time, the Democrat-held Congress and Rinos (Republicans in name only), known as the deep state Uniparty, failed to act upon those emergencies; thus, breaking their oath to uphold the Constitution. They also used the January 6th protest (which they arranged via the FBI - Pelosi admitted she was responsible) to rush the vote for the certification of the stolen 2020 election The deep state used the staged January 6 (J6) protest to avoid discussing the complaints regarding highly suspect discrepancies in certain state's voting tallies. Guess what that means? It is a coup de'tat; they overthrow our government/sitting President Trump. This is why you need to understand the significance of why this had to be done. The majority of our three letter agencies are corrupt. Do you honestly believe that the corrupt DOJ and FBI will investigate, arrest or convict their own? No! That is why they never get caught in their crimes, because they cover it up. Since the laws and order were broken, Trump became a wartime president (like Roosevelt did; a video has been uploaded of DJT's statements) and announced that fact many times. Being that we are at war with domestic enemies (deep state who infiltrated America from within and has been destroying everything we hold dear), our Constitution was paused. According to General Flynn, we have been in an unprecedented, 5G information war with the deep state for many years. Trump also announced we are in a different kind of war. The great news is that Trump has stated often that we are in The Pause-the four year Biden residency to expose the deep state crimes and treason, and we are now in the final battle!" Americans have witnessed a massive, controlled military operation that was strategically and critically planned, which successfully trapped the Washington establishment. Some had to confess all their crimes and play a role in this operation piece by piece. Americans had to visually see and witness a "continuation of government" in the form of a "presidential administration" where these corrupt and evil people will destroy their system from within, have, and will continue to spend all their dirty money on it until it is time for the military to visually intervene. The timelines for the The Plan all come together to prove the military operation and occupation: 1) the snake poem read by candidate Donald Trump - January 2016; 2) the presidential election November 2016; 3) on November 9, 2016, President-elect Trump and Putin on Fox News communicated that Putin is "ready for 'reset'...I will work with Trump;" 4) martial law manual (military occupation and negotiations, etc.) completed December 2016; and 5) the military justice act (Supreme Court clarifies that military law is separate from civil law; strong emphasis on terms "military court") in 2016. To date, all of President Trump's promises have come to fruition. Believe it when he often states, "The best is yet to come." God is bringing satan's darkness into His light, because nothing can stop what is coming, nd Where we go one, we go all! 2020 is the year that stopped the world dead in its' tracks. But, what was really happening? Why was the world flipped upside down, into chaos, through a false flag "plan"demic that ushered in deadly vaccines? They lied over and over again, never providing scientific evidence. The jab was to stop the transmission of covid. Its' sole purpose wasn't to prevent covid, but instead use us as lab rats. Those responsible for this evil mandated that we take an experimental drug that has now proven to disable or genocide us. It was planned with a nefarious agenda, seemingly by all of the governments of the world, who quickly fell into "Lockstep" and locked us down. And, the deep state used it to steal the 2020 election by using drop boxes and having thousands of fake ballots. Watch Dinesh Desosa's movie "2000 Mules" and you'll kniw exactly how the deep state oveethrew We The People's government and iyr duly-elected sitting President Trump. Thus, J6 was not an insurrection against Biden, it was a planned coup completed by the swamp against PresidentvTrump. Almost overnight, we were uncomfortably close to losing everything, and it was totally out of our control. We were bombarded with fear porn by healthcare organizations, governments and fake news propoganda. We had to protect ourselves no matter what. All we held dear, not only as Americans, but as sovereigns, was stolen - our freedom, our inalienable rights and even our easily did we allow ourselves to come under a tyrannical attack! If many had known that "past proves future," a Q drop, they would never complied. There were some (Anons) who knew and tried desperately to warn others not to take the toxic jab, but unfortunately most rejected our warning. Thank God, however, many are now waking up daily to the atrocities that have been done to us. This phase of the unprecendented, 5G information war, is referred to by Q as "The Great Awakening." We are thinking for ourselves and have realized how tyrannical and nefarious our governments have become. How could we ever move into a glorious future, the age of truth, had we werecstill being deceived by the propoganda...all for the sake of the deep state's selfishness and personal greed!?! Had we not gone through the "Pause," a psychological operation - its' sole purpose to wake up the sleeping masses - by using ingenious military encoded comms, we would have completely lost our nation. We learned through Q, which required the utmost in logical thinking by doing our own research, to stop trusting those who have deceived us. If this had not taken place, would The Great Awakening have been accomplished? Yet surprisingly, there are still a few who are completely unaware of Q; even though we've been given the answers repeatedly through a "past proves future" of Q proofs. Those who follow Q knew what was going to happen beforehand. We've been fully aware of "The Movie," (continuity of government/military operations - The Plan) almost 8 years. We knew the MSM was a propoganda machine for the deep state. Thus, we've been at peace, watching the movie playouy, which will lead to a most exciting conclusion. We The People will unite throughout the world. We will step out of the darkness and into the light, as champions of of the war for truth. During this time, many of us digital soldiers are actively engaged in and fighting our hardest battles against the multitude of MSM propaganda, misinformation and deception.They're not to be listened to nor trusted in the slightest. All Is inversion and that should be our first lesson, which will allow us to take a giant step in the direction of the real truths of this world. Remember, we're all being shown a movie. Have you ever heard President Trump talk about Central Casting? Unfortunately, we have been living in an illusion since the day we were born. That is changing to reality very soon. However, as DJT reminds us often, A Movie That Desperately "We, The People" MUST Bring To A CLOSE! Question... have you been "Enjoying The SHOW?!?!" Stay vigilant Patriots, keep the faith and be at peace. Pray for your whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10. The Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! #NCSWIS #WWG1WGA #Q #ANON If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab:;;

Lad From The Woods


G'Day, I'm Big Paul aka Lad From The Woods. A proud 1960s/70s rebel, rock and roller, ex-biker, ex-strip club manager, retired truck driver, and party animal, are amongst my long list of interesting diversions since 1962. I'm Canadian/American My family settled in the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, and South Eastern Michigan in the early 1800s. I live on 100 acres of bush in the Ottawa Valley of Eastern Ontario, Canada and live full time in my 1989 33ft Travelaire RV with my 3 cats Wally, Blackie, and Goldie here at Winterfell Camp in the Canadian wilderness. I love fishing, hunting, ice fishing, camping, road trips, partying, 4-wheeling, motorcycling, full-time RV life, cooking, growing great weed and happy fungus, consuming coffee, whisky and weed, and much more. I also have a skoolie named The Magic Bus for my on road adventures across Canada and the U.S. So join me for a different and unique kinda ride or don't lol.

wmx games - canal de filmes e trailers baseados em jogos.


Salve galera.. sou a wmx games. este Este canal é sobre filmes e trailers baseados em jogos. Às vezes bons vídeos, às vezes engraçados, às vezes super emocionantes, mas definitivamente vale a pena. Então cola aqui, se inscreva ativa o sininho para não perder o conteúdo do canal! Abraço de WMX GAMES. APRECIADO? Por favor, inscreva-se Curta os vídeos e compartilhe o canal. Ajude nosso canal. se você quiser solicitar um vídeo, comente nos meus vídeos

Vigilant One


Ultimately, we are here for discovering and sharing alternative biblical based ideals on modern life, media, and politics. Be vigilant. The world is spiraling faster and faster down the toilet bowl. Right now, Christianity isn’t something that anyone wants to hear about or even be a part of. I’m speaking up. Christians are typically pacifists. That doesn’t mean we let everyone get away with this. I’m here to also empower you, as a Christian. You should be able to speak up with confidence in a large group and know that you are right, not just spiritually, but also scientifically. We are called to be in this world, not OF the world. That means we need to see what garbage is going on and not take part in said garbage. We can’t just stand back and watch the garbage pile up either. We NEED to do something. I am here to help you see how awful our society, media, and entertainment have become. Think of me as a journalistic pastor, of sorts. Let me show you how horrible the world truly is.

A Dose of Truth


A Dose of Truth with Olga and Max. Olga is an amazing interviewer and is having me discuss a variety of topics important to helping people wake up to what the globalist psychopaths are doing and help people see through their many programs as we free ourselves from the matrix. Olga translates the videos into Russian and is instrumental in helping that community become more educated, as well as translating videos and books from SRA survivors and being an amazing warrior in this fight against evil.

Jadon MacCormack Verified


Hello, my name is Jadon MacCormack. I stay strict and strong in the word of God. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and by faith through grace I am saved by Him and going to heaven 100%! GET SAVED because you could pass away soon or even TODAY! Afterwards follow the Lord strictly by: 1. Getting Baptized (Immersion) 2. Reading the Authorized Version Holy Bible in English from 1769 better known as the KJV translated by the Texus Receptus. (Watch out from Bibles in any language that refuse to use this manuscript, even the NKJV makes salvation a process) 3. Joining a NIFB church that preaches God's word. Online resources are out there on the subjects I cover, however I have expertise in what I teach so you will get a genuine answer, May God bless all those who heed my suggestions! NIFB - OPSEC - CREATIONIST - GODLY BUSINESSMAN

Tudo sobre direita contra Lula


Canal bolsonarista para bolsomitos ou bolsominios da direita conservadora. Canal consiste ser anti Rede Globo ( #redeglobo ), para ir contra Lula, contra PT, contra MST, contra Corrupção, contra a esquerda, enfim, é um um canal totalmente conservador que visa apoiar Jair bolsonaro e Michelle bolsonaro. deixando claro, POR FAVOR, vc esquerdista, não se inscreva. obg. Deixe sempre seu like e comentário, mesmo que seja uma bandeirinha, Vídeo novo, melhor comercial pró bolsonaro: obga. 🤩😍🥰😇😛😘😋😜🤪😝 #shorts #short #viral #video Canal de direita #canaldedireita #canal Canal Canal patriota #canalpatriota papo de conservador conservador #papoconservador #conservador conservador de direita #conservadordedireita #direita direita #direitadobrasil #esquerda esquerda #lula Lula #lulapresidente Lula presidente #presidentelula presidente Lula presidente do Brasil #presidentedobrasil #Luizinacio Luiz Inácio Luiz Inácio lula Luiz Inácio lula da Silva #bolsonaro Bolsonaro #jairbolsonaro Jair bolsonaro #Jair Jair #expresidente ex presidente bolsonaro ex presidente jair bolsonaro #canalpatriota Canal patriota #patriotas patriotas #bolsonaristas bolsonaristas #bolsonarista bolsonarista #bolsominion bolsominion #bolsominions bolsominions #patriota #patriotas #noticiaúltimahora #noticiaspolitica #noticia #noticias #noticiaspolitica #política noticia noticia ultima hora noticia politica policita noticias politicas #noticiasnacional notícias nacionais #globolixo globolixo #governolula governo Lula #governo governo notícias do bolsonaro notícias do ex presidente ex presidente notícias do Lula notícias sobre o Lula notícias do PT notícias do bolsonaro #bolsonaro2026 #lula2026 #bolsonaropresidente #bolsonaroagora #bolsonarotv #bolsonarogenocidaplantão24noar #conservadordedireita conservador de direita #debatepolítico debate #esquerdanuncamais #esquerdamaldita #brasil Brasil #bolsomito



Mini-Documentário que reúne diferentes testemunhos de pessoas que se sentem lesadas com as Inoculações Covid-19. Quem dá voz e representa as tantas pessoas que foram severamente prejudicadas e sofreram graves danos colaterais? Serão invisíveis? Cada vez há mais evidências da ligação entre mortalidade excessiva e as inoculações Covid. Infelizmente, estas injeções não eram seguras, tão pouco eficazes. Mas estas vidas também contam. Contam como todas as outras. Estas vidas valem. 🖤 “Porque não vês, não quer dizer que não existam.” Joana Amaral Dias