Lulu Shyann Watchman On The Wall


I follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jehovah; the God of Israel... He saved my soul by His wonderful love, grace and mercy. I love Him with all of my heart and soul; It is my desire to point others to Him, and the gift of salvation that He provided through His death on the cross, His burial and His resurrection. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. ♥இڿڰۣ---♥RO S E♥ இڿڰۣ---♥ For You ♥இڿڰۣ---♥ with love♥ ✞✞ ♥♥★≡(◕‿◕)♥♥✞✞ ❥. Super Big Hugs❥. .•*¨*•ღ✿❀ ♥♥♥God Bless You.•*¨*•ღ✿❀♥

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