Isolated roam poet(tomozo)


孤高の放浪詩人。路上ハ-モニカ演奏家。密行第一。多聞第一。Isolated roam poet. Harmonica player on the road. משורר נודד בודד. מפוחית רחוב נגנים. 全国北は北海道稚内市から南は九州鹿児島まで全国主要都市で路上ライブをしてきました。そのほとんどを動画にし記録したものです。毎月必ず一曲と数回の路上ライブを行っております。チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 We have performed on the streets in major cities across the country, from Wakkanai City in Hokkaido in the north to Kagoshima in Kyushu in the south. Most of it was recorded on video. We always perform one song and perform several times on the street every month. Please subscribe to the channel

Original Songs and Music


This channel features my Original Songs and Musical Arrangements. I invite you to check out all my Rumble Channels which are listed as follows: CoyoteCreekBuues2 (Original Songs) CCBTurnsRed (Political Songs) CCB Christmas (Christmas Songs) CCBCoronaVirus (Corona Virus Songs) CCB Cats (Cat Videos) I hope you will also rumble and follow each of these channels if you like my content. For more free original song downloads you can also check out my website, Coyote Creek Blues: I also post videos on YouTube. You can also visit my YouTube channel: Coyote Creek Blues @coyotecreekblues6935 Please remember to rumble and follow because it helps me to grow this channel and to produce more great video content. Thanks so much for watching!