2,230 FollowersOração, estudo e ensino. Uma Escola do Serviço do Senhor.
Oração, estudo e ensino. Uma Escola do Serviço do Senhor.
Canal Bosco Foz
It's OK to question!
Dieser Kanal ist KEIN original Veikko Stölzer Kanal er dient nur zur Weiterverbreitung seiner Videos von Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Odysee, Bitchute, Pinterest #VeikkoStölzer aka BitchBotBoii 4.0 Live Son Go Q or V Institut für Analyse Machtstrukturen & World Brain Agency Gründer 🦊TG-Veikko aka Son Go 🦊ODYSEE - BitchBotBoii 4.0 Live aka SonGoQ 🦊DLIVE - SonGoQakaV 🦊FACEBOOK - Veikko Stölzer 🦊👍ODYSEE - SonGoQ Video Backup Vorträge 👍TG - Son Go Q Video Backups 👍TG - Videos By Veikko Stölzer2 👍TG - VEIKKO STÖLZER Videos auf Telegram
The New Kosmos Videocast is a resource of Truth concerning the fulfilment of Bible prophecy in and through Christ
A bit of info. KOSMO (The first in outer space - Kosmo) is an exciting channel for inquiring minds where you can find out more about riddles and mysteries of our infinite universe - if ours it actually is...)
Veikko Stölzer Videos
funny cats and dogs videos, including videos for laughter, and many other videos
* Από αυτή τη μικρή γωνιά του κόσμου προβάλλουμε τις αξίες και τα ιδανικά που αποτελούν τις ρίζες αυτού του μοναδικού τόπου που λέγεται Ελλάδα. Ορθοδοξία - Ελληνισμός - Ρωμιοσύνη - Πολιτισμός, έννοιες απόλυτα ταυτισμένες με την ψυχή του Έλληνα. Το κανάλι αυτό είναι ένα μικρό λιθαράκι στο σύγχρονο αγώνα για να διατηρήσουμε αυτά τα δώρα του Θεού και να τα μεταλαμπαδεύσουμε σε όλο τον κόσμο. ** Ο Οδυσσέας Ελύτης είπε κάποτε ότι "Εάν αποσυνθέσεις την Ελλάδα, στο τέλος θα δεις να σου απομένουν μια ελιά, ένα αμπέλι κι ένα καράβι. Που σημαίνει: με άλλα τόσα την ξαναφτιάχνεις". Ο τόπος μας είναι ποτισμένος με αίμα Ηρώων και Αγίων. Με τη βοήθεια του Θεού θα φτιάξουμε ξανά την πατρίδα μας, πάνω στις αξίες των προγόνων μας και των Αγίων Πατέρων μας. *** Ευχαριστώ τον πνευματικό μου πατέρα Γέροντα Γεώργιο Καυσοκαλυβίτη γιατί όλα προέρχονται από την δική του ευλογία. "Χωρὶς ἐμοῦ οὐ δύνασθε ποιεῖν οὐδέν...» (Ιω. ιε΄ 5-6)
I Like making random videos about movie review, NDE, Trailer Reaction and thoughts Etc
This channel is going to be about compilations. All forms ranging from tiktoks to Instagram to any thing you can think of. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE IF YOU HAVEN\\\'T and I\\\'ll be grateful.
Comparing movies to their original texts.
Olá, pessoal! Este canal tem como princípio trazer vídeos com uma qualidade sonora superior e fazer com que uma das minhas maiores paixões, que são os sons da natureza (e alguns outros) sejam trazidos até vocês, para que vocês possam se curar, se livrar de uma depressão, meditar, relaxar, focar, se inspirar, estudar, dormir, tirar uma sonequinha, deixar algum som de fundo na sua clínica ou spa, e até mesmo se você se sente bem com certos tipos de sons ASMR. Espero fazer a sua vida um pouquinho mais agradável e quaisquer sugestões ou dúvidas, por favor deixem nos comentários. E se você gosta deste tipo de conteúdo, se INSCREVA ( e deixe o seu LIKE. E-mail para contato: Kosmonautics, take a deep breath and relax. Bem-vindos and Welcome! ;)
Gamer desde do Super Nintendo, estou no mundo dos games desde de 1997. 1° -1997: Super Nintendo. 2°-1999: Nintendo 64. 3°-2001: Playstation I. 4°-2004: Playstation II. 5°-2007: Playstation III. 6°-2013: Playstation IV. 7°-2022: Playstation V. Canal de transmissão de games.
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