

From Decriminalization & Legislation for Legalization to Sublimation & Elimination of Social Equity Abomination.... Then What? Advocation of Propagation for Free Cannabis Market Standardization & Reformation Of Legislation. I am a Cannabis Communicator & Content Creator seeking to simply educate people about the benefits of cannabis through Evolutonarily Adaptive Terpological Ascernment & Discernment. Terpology teaches people to understand what they're buying when they buy it by truely understanding the phenotypical expression that is the Terpene Profile. I explain everything very clearly. -I am not a Doctor nor scientist of any type. I do not condone illicit cannabis use or use by minors under the age set forth by your local municipality or state. I am a legal Medicinal Cannabis Patient in Maryland. All product is legally obtained and allowed use by the individuals appearing in any Content on this channel.

koala comedy


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The Fresh Koala

1 Follower

Fresh Koala Sounds curates the best sound effects for every occasion! We're a father and daughter team dedicated to giving the YouTube community a place to find themed sound effects playlists for special events, haunted houses, themed parties, and much more. Do you like white-noise and relaxation sounds? You'll find that here too with both black screen backgrounds and video animations - we've got your sound effect needs covered! We like to make our sound effects videos a little more interesting than just sounds with an icon, so we add a lot of fun imagery and video elements to make the sound experience better than every. Sometimes we even throw in some guessing games, trivia, and fun facts to read while listening! We're hoping to build one of the largest themed sound channel on YouTube and will be adding more and more content everyday. Please subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up-to-date with our latest downloads. And thanks for helping us grow!

Funny PetFlix Videos


Welcome to Funny PetFlix Videos, a channel dedicated to cute, fluffy cats and curious, rambunctious dogs. We are here to fill your life with more furry and funny things the adorable friends in our lives do. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday we'll have a new compilation of the funniest home videos of cats, dogs, birds and all kids of animals being equally hilarious and adorable. Be sure the Subscribe to our channel to never miss one! So sit back, relax and have a laugh on us.



「コアラファンタジーワールド」へようこそ!この居心地の良いチャンネルでは、愛らしいコアラとその小さな動物の友達と一緒に魔法の冒険に乗り出します。神秘的な森を巡り、魅惑的な海底世界を探検し、遥かな大陸へのスリリングな旅に出かけます。 「コアラファンタジーワールド」では、単に物語を語るだけでなく、子供たちに想像力と創造力を一緒に織り交ぜる機会を提供します。各物語は、友情、勇気、チームワークの重要性を組み合わせ、子供たちが笑いと探検の中で学び、成長できるようにしています。 あなたが小さな冒険者であろうと、大きな野望を抱く夢想家であろうと、「コアラファンタジーワールド」は楽しみとインスピレーションに満ちた場所です。一緒に無限の想像力の世界を探検し、素晴らしい冒険に乗り出しましょう!

Koala Fantastik Dünya


"Koala Fantazi Dünyası"na hoş geldiniz! Bu samimi kanalda, sevimli koala ve küçük hayvan arkadaşlarıyla sihirli bir maceraya çıkacaksınız. Sizi gizemli ormanlardan geçirecek, büyüleyici denizaltı dünyalarını keşfedecek ve uzak kıtalara heyecan verici yolculuklar yapacağız. "Koala Fantazi Dünyası"nda sadece hikayeler anlatmıyoruz; çocuklara hayal gücü ve yaratıcılığı bir araya getirme fırsatı sunuyoruz. Her hikaye, arkadaşlık, cesaret ve takım çalışmasının önemini birleştirerek, çocukların gülüşler ve keşifler arasında öğrenmelerine ve büyümelerine izin verir. Siz küçük bir maceraperest veya büyük hayalleri olan bir hayalperest olun, "Koala Fantazi Dünyası" eğlence ve ilham dolu bir yerdir. Sonsuz hayal gücü alemlerini keşfetmek ve birlikte fantastik bir maceraya çıkmak için bize katılın!

El mundo fantástico de los koalas


¡Bienvenidos a "Mundo Fantástico del Koala"! En este acogedor canal, te embarcarás en una aventura mágica con el adorable koala y sus pequeños amigos animales. Te llevaremos a través de bosques místicos, exploraremos encantadores mundos submarinos y emprenderemos emocionantes viajes a continentes lejanos. En "Mundo Fantástico del Koala", no solo contamos historias; ofrecemos a los niños la oportunidad de entrelazar la imaginación y la creatividad. Cada historia combina la importancia de la amistad, el coraje y el trabajo en equipo, permitiendo que los niños aprendan y crezcan entre risas y exploraciones. Ya sea que seas un pequeño aventurero o un soñador con grandes aspiraciones, "Mundo Fantástico del Koala" es un lugar lleno de diversión e inspiración. ¡Ven y únete a nosotros para explorar reinos infinitos de imaginación y embarcarte juntos en una aventura fantástica!

Dunia Fantasi Koala


Selamat datang di "Dunia Fantasi Koala"! Di saluran yang nyaman ini, Anda akan memulai petualangan magis bersama koala yang menggemaskan dan teman-teman hewan kecilnya. Kami akan membawa Anda melintasi hutan mistis, menjelajahi dunia bawah air yang menawan, dan melakukan perjalanan seru ke benua-benua yang jauh. Di "Dunia Fantasi Koala", kami tidak hanya bercerita; kami memberikan kesempatan kepada anak-anak untuk merangkai imajinasi dan kreativitas. Setiap cerita menggabungkan pentingnya persahabatan, keberanian, dan kerja sama tim, memungkinkan anak-anak belajar dan tumbuh di tengah tawa dan eksplorasi. Baik Anda seorang petualang kecil atau seorang pemimpi dengan aspirasi besar, "Dunia Fantasi Koala" adalah tempat yang penuh dengan kesenangan dan inspirasi. Ayo bergabung dengan kami dan menjelajahi kerajaan tak terbatas dari imajinasi, serta memulai petualangan fantastis bersama-sama!

عالم الكوالا الخيالي


مرحبًا بكم في "عالم الخيال للكوالا"! في هذه القناة المريحة، ستنطلق في مغامرة سحرية مع الكوالا الجذاب وأصدقائه الحيوانات الصغيرة. سنأخذكم عبر الغابات الغامضة، ونستكشف عوالم البحار الساحرة، ونقوم برحلات مثيرة إلى القارات البعيدة. في "عالم الخيال للكوالا"، لا نقتصر على سرد القصص؛ بل نقدم للأطفال فرصة لترسيخ الخيال والإبداع. تجمع كل قصة بين أهمية الصداقة، والشجاعة، وروح العمل الجماعي، مما يسمح للأطفال بالتعلم والنمو بين الضحك والاستكشاف. سواء كنتم مغامرين صغارًا أو حالمين بتحقيق طموحات كبيرة، "عالم الخيال للكوالا" هو مكان مليء بالمرح والإلهام. هيا انضموا إلينا واستكشفوا الممالك اللامحدودة للخيال، وابدأوا رحلة مذهلة معًا!