The Kiwi Joe Project


The Kiwi Joe Project is one remote viewer's effort to showcase the power of remote reviewing. These are the sessions of a trained remote viewer with more than ten years of experience both in various remote viewing teams as well as going it alone for clients. I will show you a variety of targets that include hidden treasure, vanished things, need-to-know information on cryptocurrencies, engineering solutions for the seemingly impossible, some top-secret stuff, and of course obligatory bizarre enigmas. Remote viewing came largely out of the Cold War period of spy versus spy. This skill harnesses a natural human ability to consistently return valuable information otherwise unknowable to us, and to do that when and where we need it. There is more to learn about this topic online, and you can also check out the reference list and helpful resources in the back matter of my books.

Kiwi News brought to you by grass root Humans world wide


Stay up-to-date with the latest headlines and stories that matter to all around the world, trying to shine light over hypocrisy, under reported or unreported news. I endeavor to report what I and others around the world want. FACTS and facts should always be covered in full not from one point of view. I will become more formal and have proper audio from yours truly once I have the gear. My intention is to have you make your own minds up regarding content and data I welcome all opinion's and evidence that I will always try to cover because its all important as everyone should have a voice and opinion regardless of how fickle and baseless it might be. I will endevor to also start interviewing the sources where available, cross section any data with open mind I am not here to tell you want to think but I am here to tell you to think and apply autonomy of thought. Contribution is the best source of community and unity. when I am proven incorrect I will always create content to correct any news presented or add data provided as revised stories. No one will receive fluffing and I take very all knowledge seriously. I was inspired by those who have moved to a platform or forum not restricting freedoms.

Eazy Kiwi

1 Follower

Hallo und schön das "DU" den Weg auf meinen Kanal gefunden hast. Hier entsteht ein Kanal für Schulanfänger, baldige Schulkinder und Eltern. Das Leben als Schulanfänger ist schon sehr Interessant. Viele neue Eindrücke, wie z.B. neues Umfeld, neue Kinder und erst die ganzen Zahlen und Buchstaben. Puhh...... da hat man einiges zu tun! Ich bin ein PAPA, der in die Rolle, als sagen wir mal Heimtrainer rein gestolpert ist. Der täglich außer am Wochenende in den eigenen 4 Wänden unterrichtet und nun sein Wissen in Videos verpackt und weitergibt. Bei mir kannst du hoffentlich mit Freuden vieles neues Entdecken oder auch erlernen. Ich möchte dir dabei helfen, dich in dieser neuen Welt voller Zahlen und Buchstaben zurecht zu finden Ebenso möchte ich euch Eltern unterstützen, die täglich mit denselben Fragen aufstehen und denken wie schaffen wir es den Stoff an die Kinder zu vermitteln und das ganz ohne Lehrstuhl. Viel Spass auf meinem Kanal

The Cruising Kiwis (TCK)


We are a New Zealand live-aboard family of five: Rob (60), Rachel (21-ish), Finn (21), Declan (19), Ivan (16) circumnavigating nomadically by sail boat learning from nature, new cultures and life experience. We hope to inspire others to explore different ways to live and educate while having a truckload of fun. Our sailing videos are almost at the fringe of the cutting edge of informative travel entertainment confirming life is far too important to take seriously.