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Dismiss All Charges Verified


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Kiss Analog


I am a Electrical Design Engineer that specializes in SMPS. I want to teach Electronics Design for Power Supplies, Audio Amplifier, Filters, and other circuits. I'll teach the basics as well as more advanced electronics. I'll review Eval boards from Electronic Vendors, Audio Amplifiers, and power supplies, as well as misc other circuits and test gear. I'd like to develop circuit board kits that subscribers are interested in and I plan to review evaluation boards from various vendors I hope to make this a stop for both beginners and advanced engineers. You can support this channel signing up for Patreon or by one me donation to PayPal at Link to Patreon - I really do appreciate your support? This support helps me purchase the equipment I use for testing a reviews.



Welcome to KissingCoupleDates! Join us on our journey as we explore love, romance, and relationships through heartwarming content. From fun date ideas to relationship advice, our channel brings you real-life couple moments, kisses that tell stories, and all the adventures in between. Whether you're looking for romantic inspiration or just enjoy seeing authentic couple vibes, you've come to the right place. Subscribe and follow along as we celebrate love one date at a time!