Fire Imparted Kingdom Ministries


Fire Imparted Kingdom Ministries is a back to basics bible believing church. God’s ministry was spoken into existence in the fall of 2017 and legally established in December of 2019. God has called and designated His ministry to be planted in the southeast valley of Maricopa County in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert and He has chosen Jermell & Alexis Carter for this undertaking. Fire Imparted Kingdom Ministries shall continuously pursue the truth of God, striving in the fulfillment of the Great Commission by teaching, preaching, and serving the Kingdom of God. Bringing truth, edification, and warning to the body of Christ, to impact the church body with positive change, fulfilling the calling to build God’s Kingdom, “One Nation at a Time.” Church Location - Coming Soon (Queen Creek, AZ)



Hey guys! This is my new YouTube channel at the topic of Technology. This channel contains a lot of fun and enjoyment. It means presentation of different types of cars with amazing music\\\'s. I hope you like this channel and help me to promote this channel. So, please like my all videos and and subscribe my channel and you tells with me our wishes that what car you wants with your Favourite music at my Facebook, Instagram and in comment. thank you! please like, subscribe, comment!