Jasampaz qoǵam Qazaqstan Созидательное общество


Созидательное Общество Казахстан — региональный канал международного проекта Созидательное Общество. Это проект всего человечества, который даёт возможность в кратчайшие сроки мирным путём вывести нашу цивилизацию на новую ступень эволюционного развития.

On our channel we talk about Punjabi Sikhs, Khalistan and the evils happening in Sikhism and about keeping the unity of India intact.


Welcome to Sharabi Youtuber Against Khalistan! This channel is dedicated to raising awareness and fostering discussions about the Khalistan movement. Join me as we delve into historical, political, and social aspects, providing a balanced perspective and countering misinformation. My goal is to promote unity and peace, offering in-depth analysis and thought-provoking content. Subscribe for regular updates, engaging discussions, and insightful videos on this crucial topic. Let's build a community committed to truth, understanding, and positive change. #Sharabi Youtuber #AgainstKhalistan #Unity #Peace #Truth #India #Khalistan Debate #Awareness #BalancedPerspective