9,357 FollowersBiologist, traveler and adventurer
Biologist, traveler and adventurer
Medicina Canal de Salud
Zdrowy Kanał Dla Ciebie - Dla Organizmu - Dla Ducha. Zdrowie, Miłość i Radość Budować Świadomość Polaków. Przekazywać Informacje Zdrowotne. Misją aTVBe jest dotrzeć do wszystkich, możliwych: konferencji, sympozjów, festiwali zdrowia tak aby można było przekazać wiedzę zdrowotną dla wszystkich Polaków. Pragniemy dawać informacje w celu możliwości poszerzenia świadomości zdrowotnej ludzi tak, aby nam się lepiej żyło. "Miłość, Zgoda, Chleb, Sól i Woda" - Tadeusz Rolnik "Fikcja Literacka" - dr Jerzy Jaśkowski "Włączamy Myślenie" - dr Hubert Czerniak "Czego Ci Lekarz nie powie" - "Czyńmy Dobro" - Jerzy Zięba „Bo człowiek bez pasji, nudzi swoją duszę” - prof. Andrzej Frydrychowski "Chory pogląd na zdrowie" - dr Adam Przygoda "Co profesor to teoria" - lek. med. Andrzej Więckowski "Lepsze jest wrogiem dobrego" - Zdzisław Oszczęda Kręcimy się blisko ZDROWIA a często trafiamy w sedno. BYĆ MOŻE JEST TO NAJZDROWSZY KANAŁ RUMBLE W POLSCE ! Serdecznie Pozdrawiamy 😃 Zespół aTVBe
The Daniel Natal Show presents analysis of news and currents events. This twice-weekly breakdown of international trends and domestic occurrences goes beyond the headlines and into the thinker’s headspace. With recourse to philosophy and penetrating sociology, the host becomes an anthropologist sifting through the artifacts of the modern world. Think of it as the intelligence agency bureau for the people, where listeners are invited to get their briefing. Brought to you by the New American magazine, get ready for the Daniel Natal Show.
Offizieller Rumble-Kanal von TAYLOR
A place for real discussions and content that make us think.
Aktuell politik
Natalie Winters was born on 24 February 2001 in Los Angeles, California, USA. She is a writer and producer, known for War Room: Battleground (2021), ...
Natalie Brunell is a Bitcoin educator and veteran journalist exploring the topics of money, freedom, technology and hope.
Funny video with cats
Welcome to Alina Tall Try On This channel is interested in all about the Biographies of female fashion models, Instagram Stars, TikTokers, celebrities. Fitness, Fashion & beauty is the main concern of this channel. Here you will find a lot of interesting stuff, Biographies, Age, Family, Height, Body Measurements, Habits, Net Worth& Lifestyle. All information provided in our videos is only for Educational purposes. This channel will help you to understand how it feels like tobe a model & experience some of their life style & inspiring success stories. This may motivate those who wish to bea model & we wish them with good luck!! Thank you for watching Alina Tall Try On
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Hello Everyone! I am Natalia from Ukraine. Welcome to My Sport&Style Art Channel! I am a Creator of Yoga Art and Stretching Art. Yoga Art and Stretching Art has Become a Popular YouTube Trend Followed by Millions of Viewers Around the World and Copied by Millions of YouTube Channels! Inspired by Renaissance Beauty and Art, I am Combining as Visual Creative Arts — Stretching Skills and Yoga Exercises, Music and Fashion, Visual Design Ideas and More! Yoga and Art are the Best for Mind, Body and Soul. When Yoga is Art, Art is Yoga, Art is Our Life! And We are All — the Creators! I am Grateful to Every Subscriber of My Channel ❤️ Grateful to YouTube for Being the Best Platform in the Universe, for Being Universal Platform to Unite Hearts, Souls and Minds! I Believe Yoga, YouTube, Beauty and Art Always Unite Hearts! Support My Channel ❤️ PayPal ~ Instagram ~ My Published Books ~
Čia skelbiame "Versmės" leidyklos išverstus ir lietuviškai įgarsintus pažintinius vaizdo įrašus iš "YouTube" ir kitų vaizdo įrašų dalinimosi platformų.
I like mechanical cars and I like to share them with everyone
Entertainment and news is a collection of various circles, entertainment and news online and live online, online news or live entertainment make sure you subscribe to this entertainment channel.
Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit erfordern freie Meinungsäußerung, freien Medien und das uneingeschränkte Recht auf körperliche Unversehrtheit.
Neste canal, trato de História, Filosofia, Literatura, Política, Economia e Sociologia. Sou Auriberto Lima, brasileiro. Católico Apostólico Romano acima de tudo! "Não se opor ao erro é aprová-lo. Não defender a verdade é negá-la." — Santo Tomás de Aquino
Hello everyone one I am natalia sense from Ukraine welcome tonmy sport&style Art channel. I am a creator of yoga art and stretching art. Yoga art and stretching art has become a popular rumbe trend Followed by millions of viewers around the words. 😍 When yoga is art .art is yoga. Art is our life. And we are all the creators. I am grateful to every subscriber if my channel.😍 Support my channel Instagram : nataliasense
Your gifts are needed and you have so much to give! Receive the support you need to land your gifts and deliver your mission, to walk in truth and be a blessing. Subscribe to this channel to learn tools for healing, embodiment, self-care & sovereignty so you can bring your full essence to the party - we need all the Awakening Ones on board to land this Earth ship! Discover more about Natalie's work and ArborVitae Mystery School at or
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