Kalik (AlejaWP)


Kalik - warszawski raper, tekściarz pochodzący z Żoliborza i były reprezentant grupy "Aleja WP". Mocne i nietuzinkowe teksty, pełne emocji i refleksji w naprawdę zróżnicowanych klimatach, które ciężko jest jednoznacznie sklasyfikować, jednak słuchając utworów od razu można dostrzec, że dużą uwagę kieruje na treść poprzez którą stara dotrzeć się do wszystkich słuchaczy, również z poza kręgu i środowiska hip hopowego oraz osób, które nie słuchają rapu na co dzień.

Kauai 1st


As “The People’s Mayor”, Megeso-William Denis believes it is his kuleana to put the PEOPLE of KAUAI FIRST. Megeso is putting forth a new vision for the county, his future constituents of Kauai, and all individuals who lawfully reside here. At the core of his new vision is preserving the integrity and trust in a government of the people, by the people and for the people, and restoring the `Aina to reflect the image of Aloha, being pono, and the beautiful image of Paradise. Megeso returns the power to the people by terminating the global governance agreement with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). ICLEI is the foot-soldier for the United Nations Agenda 21 and 30 programs that has infiltrated many regions, counties, and municipalities throughout the United States. ICLEI is a non-profit, non-governmental group with no accountability to the people. Kauai County sold the people out in 2012 to global control and their initiatives to control our food supply, natural resources, and way of life through smart cities, climate change, sea level rise, surveillance, social credit systems, depopulation and more. Megeso intends to end the flow of Fentanyl to our island and focus law enforcement on crimes against humanity, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and ending corruption in government.