Hebrew Codesearching


We are a collaborating group of Biblical and Paleo Hebrew Students seeking the Truth in Yahuah’s scriptures, studying together to bring a fresh understanding and a new perspective on the otherwise “lost in translation” Scriptures that we all hold dear. In both the Old and New Testaments, a computer-generated matrix ties encoded terms within the plain text verses displayed. With each matrix the computer generates, the image through the Word has a new filter, a new perspective. We recommend to enroll in this course of basic instruction in learning the language and developing the understanding to sit with the Father and be guided by the Ruach HaQodesh (Holy Spirit) in a series of Modules written over the last decade. This journey is unlike anything else around. https://12tribesibriy.org. Here, we have developed Mishpocha, a family that prays, studies and fellowships together. The Names of the Father and His Son are paramount to this and are a major foundation of this Ministry.

Endtime CodeSearching


Within the Hebrew Scriptures, YaHuWaH has encoded information. In Daniel 12:4 the WORD says " .. seal up the book until the time of the end. Many shall diligently search and knowledge shall increase" ... We believe we are living in the days the Prophets saw, and wrote about. We believe 'the books' are being unsealed and the information held therein, ENCODED for THIS GENERATION, is ready for those who have ears to hear. And eyes to see. May YaHuWaH and YaHuWShuW'A BaRuK you.