Drenda Keesee - Drenda On Guard


We are at war. There is a spiritual battle raging for the hearts, souls, and very lives of our children. In her latest initiative—Drenda on Guard—Drenda Keesee is leading the charge to “take up the full armor of God,” and she wants to empower YOU to stand with her. She tackles current events, politics, legislation, and biblical prophecies that impact your life. Join Drenda to advance the Kingdom until Jesus returns. Drenda and her husband, Gary, have five children, ten grandchildren and pastor Faith Life Church together. They founded Faith Life Now Ministries, which reaches millions of people across the globe through TV shows, radio, conferences, online platforms, books, and much more. Drenda also created The Happy Life, a mentorship program that helps women become the women God created them to be. Join Drenda here and download The Happy Life Social app for free!

The Way I See It


I'm old and I know things that I love to talk about it! I am a 69 year old retired male, a US Army veteran that is just plain sick and tired of the way our country has been going. The Hollywood elite and our politicians all have a platform to voice their opinions, I just thought it was time for the average man to have his! You may not like what I have to say, but you WILL always know where I stand on an issue because I DO NOT hold back! I plan on sharing the news of the day without the slant of the mass media that is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democratic party! I am an independent voter all my life and remain the same. BUT with the way Democrats have been acting I can no longer endorse ANY Democrat! Now wait, I also can not in good conscience support some Republicans either. Basically if you do NOT fully support America and the American people, you WILL NOT get my vote and I will be here to express my thought on the matter. So now you have a better idea of THE WAY I SEE IT! Chuck Cobb