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Islams sande DNA


ISLAM ER EN RELIGIØST DREVET POLITISK IDEOLOGI Det er der heldigvis flere og flere, der er ved at opdage, MEN... Da jeg i sin tid opdagede Islams Sande DNA, var der én ting, jeg undrede mig over: HVORFOR ER DER EN HIMMELRÅBENDE MANGEL PÅ DOKUMENTATION??? For hvis kritikken skal give en ordentlig respons, skal den naturligvis være veldokumenteret... Savner du også information, der er solidt underbygget? Vil du gerne have viden, du kan bruge i samtaler i dagligdagen? Så er du kommet til rette sted, for uanset hvad der kommer herfra: VI HAR KILDERNE I ORDEN! Velkommen til Hjørnesparket - Islams Sande DNA! Abonnér - det koster GRATIS og hjælper kanalen til at være synlig...



I am Islamic.Socialist, I am a Muslim, a philosopher, a communist, a militant survivalist, a teacher, small business owner, experienced organizer and leader, and cyber security specialist. I have studied everything I could in politics, history, economics, survivalism, religion, cyber security and more. There is nothing dominating my mind except for undermining and opposing tyrants and traitors to humanity. Why study and devote this hard? Because nothing else matters except the fall of evil and such a task demands the highest sacrifice and efforts of those who commit to it, which means not only must I devote all my efforts to it, I must also weaponize all knowledge and capabilities to be the most effective I can be.



проповеди, ислям, islam, İslam, Müslüman, BG, Allah, Muhammed АБОНИРАЙТЕ СЕ ! Ние сме RE:TV HD Ако сте пропуснали ! Каналът е с 100 % Българско участие ! НЕ Изнасяме Капитали в Чужбина ! Подпомагнете малките медий а не централните който са спонсорирани от държавата и други страни. Подкрепете ни като се Абонирате за канала ! Лекцийте който представяме са събрани от достоверни източници за достовереноста и истиността им носят съответните автори RE:TV HD не се ангжира със авторство (с изключение на авторски) или който и да е друг начин със показването ! Не Всички видеа са актуални Ние сме ре тв / повтаряме нови и стари / Предаваме лекцийте каквито са Нямаме намерение да Ви убеждаваме да преимате Религията ! За истинността на видеата носят техните автори ! Коментарите в канала изразяват личното мнение на потребителите и може да не съвпада с позициите на ретв. SUBSCRIBE ! We are RE:TV HD In case you missed it! The channel has 100% Bulgarian participation! We do NOT export capital abroad! Support the small media and not the central ones that are sponsored by the state and other countries. Support us by subscribing to the channel! Comments in the channel express the personal opinion of users and may not coincide with the positions of retv. RETV RePlay ReView TV Канала е собственост на РЕТВ ! This Chanel is property of RETV !

Islam On Demand


The videos uploaded to our Rumble channel are ones we could not upload to our YouTube channel due to censorship. For many more videos, check our YouTube channel at: YouTube Channel: BitChute Channel: Twitter: Website: 1000 Free MP3s: Free eBook: Instagram: Facebook:

The goal of our channel is to create high-quality videos that focus on Tips & facts, Motivational & the past, present, and future of basic Islamic videos


The goal of our channel is to create high-quality videos that focus on Tips & facts, Motivational & the past, present, and future of basic Islamic videos. One of our main goals has always been to show our fellow Non-Muslims that Islam is truly a peaceful religion, and to show kindness to all, as the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) said, "Behave with the people in a respectful manner because our actions represent Islam" Our videos take a considerable amount of time to create, a 2 - 5 -minute video could take a week or less (Long Video) to complete, we will try to add subtitles to most of the videos, and all our videos have an intro to get the audience engaging, this is very time-consuming, but we do it for our dedicated audience. Thank you for your subscription and for visiting here. lOTS OF LOVE❤️️

New Nation of Islam Verified


Watch the Son of Man (the leader and teacher of the New Nation of Islam) LIVE at every Sunday starting at 11 AM cst, and every Monday, Wednesday & Friday starting at 8 PM cst. If at anytime during the live broadcast you have problems hearing the audio clearly, you can call into the teleconference room and listen from there. The numbers are: 601-909-9135 access code 968280 or 601-909-9135 access code 258055. (That's just a regular long-distance call). Please tell your friends. Remember, this is an INTERACTIVE broadcast and the Son of Man wants to hear from YOU: To ask questions or present respectful disagreements, push 5* to unmute your phone.

Islam Channel


Asalamu Alaykum "Welcome to ilmspire, a space dedicated to sharing insightful Islamic content. Explore a variety of videos encompassing Islamic teachings, Quranic insights, and thoughtful discussions on faith and spirituality. Join our community as we strive to foster understanding, compassion, and a deeper connection with our faith. Follow to embark on a journey of knowledge and enlightenment. May each video serve as a source of inspiration on your path towards a more profound understanding of Islam."