Academy of Ideas
38,605 FollowersFree Minds for a Free Society
Free Minds for a Free Society
Hello! Every week, our channel shares 1 or 2 innovative products which our team came up with their ideas and implemented. Please sign up and press the notification bell! to keep track of new ideas.
Welcome to my channel MakeIdeas HACK channel Our channel include of guiding videos: Handyman's Secret inventions and Tips CLEVERS HANDYMAN CRAFTS Homemade Secret Crafts of Handyman DIY Creative idea Make in home Life hack Crafts Inventions and tools Usefull and Helpful ideas Tips CLEVER HANDYMAN CRAFTS AND TIPS Collaboration - advertising
The “Ideas Have Consequences with Larry Alex Taunton” podcast and Fixed Point Foundation debates and interviews.
Entrevistas, periodismo, investigación, difusión, resistencia al relato único, anti-globalista, soberanista
♥ ♥ ♥ SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL PLEASE ♥ ♥ ♥ ★ How To Make Money Online 2023. ✪ This is a new channel, created in SEPTEMBER OF 2022 and the first video was published in SEPTEMBER TEH 9TH 2022, which means that all information is the most current on youtube. Here you will find out how you can make money online through different methods. All methods are current, we present them to you, but success depends on the dedication of each of you. This channel contains video tutorials to show you various methods of generating income. We do not guarantee results but only show you methods and examples of potential money that you can earn. We show you step by step how to own various platforms to make money online, but whether you will make money or not and how much money you can already make is on everyone's responsibility, everything depends on the work you will put in. The purpose of this channel is to introduce you to multiple ideas to make money online starting with the year 2022, but for more details, it is necessary for the self-starter to do wider research.CLICK HERE TO MANIFEST THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS. To become a supporter of the channel you may do so here!!!!
Helping you understand Islam and Muslims
The Deep End is a weekly live simulcast hosted by Pastor Tim Hatch. "Start living life with more meaning and less freaking out" PLUS Bible study on your own time. Every week, we dive deeper into Faith, Politics, the Bible, and the world we live in. Join us for Season 5, live on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm EST on OR listen later on your favourite podcast app. All episodes are posted with notes and links to content from the episode on
DIE LETZTE GROSSE OFFENBARUNG JESU CHRISTI EIN GEWALTIGES WERK für Suchende, Unwissende und Zweifler .... „Im Anfang war das Wort …. Ein Tedeum dem Schöpfer Himmels und der Erde…. Ihr Alle seid Seine Geschöpfe, die Ihm einst verloren gingen …. Und Er wird nicht ruhen, bis Er alle Schäflein zurückgewonnen hat ….“ Mit diesen Worten begannen die Offenbarungen Gottes an Bertha Dudde am 15. Juni 1937, die am 17. August 1965 mit der Kundgabe 9030 als Siegel den Abschluß fanden. Es ist ein gewaltiges Werk, das durch deine Mitarbeit zustande kommen soll, und es werden dereinst die seltsamsten Meinungen gebildet werden über den Ursprung des Werkes, und man wird vermuten, daß alle Schriften nur in der Weise entstehen konnten, daß durch eine Konzentration in ganz bestimmter Geistesrichtung sich die schriftstellerische Begabung ausbildete und alles Entstandene nun also gewissermaßen die Folge dieser gedanklichen Konzentration sei .... und ein Wirken übersinnlicher Kräfte nur krankhafte Einbildung des Schreibenden war. Nun bereitet jedoch der Herr etwas vor, das auch jenen Zweiflern zu denken geben wird. Er leget zahlenmäßig fest den Gesamtumfang des Werkes .... Es werden 9000 Kapitel erstmalig den Menschen geboten, die alles hinreichend erklären, was dem Menschen nötig ist, um selbst wieder unterweisen zu können die Unwissenden. Als Jesus auf Erden wandelte, sprach Er vom Reiche Gottes, von einem Reich, das nicht von dieser Welt ist .... Er sprach nicht von weltlicher Macht, Er sprach auch nicht von einer kirchlichen Macht, von einer Organisation; Er sprach auch nicht von Männern, die an Gottes statt herrschen sollten über Seine Gemeinde; .... Er sprach nur zu Seinen Jüngern: "Gehet hin und lehret alle Völker ....“ Er gab ihnen den Auftrag, die Menschen zu unterweisen in Seiner Liebelehre, und Er versprach ihnen Seine Mitwirkung, so sie in Seinem Geist verblieben .... Denn sowie sie Liebe lehrten, mußten sie selbst in der Liebe leben, und also war der Herr Selbst mit ihnen, Der die Liebe ist. Wo aber die Liebe regieret, ist jede herrschende Gewalt unnötig .... wo die Liebe regieret, dort dienet einer dem anderen, und wo die Liebe regieret, dort sind Gebote unnötig, es sei denn, das Gebot der Liebe wird den Menschen gepredigt, das Gott Selbst gegeben hat. Das Gesamtwerk nebst Themenheften wird kostenfrei abgegeben, denn GOTTES WORT IST KEINE HANDELSWARE!!! "Umsonst habt Ihr es erhalten, umsonst gebt es weiter" FÜR DIE ZEITEN ohne STROM und INTERNET!! DER KLUGE MENSCH sorgt vor!!! DAS GESAMTWERK von BERTHA DUDDE in chronologischer Reihenfolge der OFFENBARUNGEN JESU in 81 Bänden gibt es bei: Hans-Willi Schmitz Bernardin Strasse 47 47680 GELDERN Tel: 02838 - 2948
Side effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations
Jacqui Deevoy Chats
NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. To do that, we have worked around the world -- and off it -- for more than 50 years, searching for answers to fundamental questions about our place in the universe. We're exploring space and discovering Earth. Join us for this exciting and important journey. Your friendly neighborhood space flight center. 👩🔬🚀 NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is home to the nation's largest organization of combined scientists, engineers and technologists that build spacecraft, instruments and new technology to study Earth, the sun, our solar system and the universe. Named for American rocketry pioneer Dr. Robert H. Goddard, the center was established in 1959 as NASA's first space flight complex. Goddard and its several facilities are critical in carrying out NASA's missions of space exploration and scientific discovery. Watch for the latest in NASA's research into planetary science, astrophysics, Earth observing, and solar science. La misión de la NASA es ser pionera en la exploración espacial, el descubrimiento científico y la investigación aeronáutica. Para ello, hemos trabajado por todo el planeta, y también fuera de él, durante 60 años, en busca de respuestas a preguntas fundamentales sobre nuestro lugar en el universo. Estamos explorando el espacio y descubriendo la Tierra. Únete a nosotros en este emocionante e importante viaje. Launched in 1998, NASA Space Place's mission is to inspire and enrich upper-elementary-aged kids' learning of space and Earth science online through fun games, hands-on activities, informative articles and engaging short videos. With material in both English and Spanish and resources for parents and teachers, NASA Space Place has something for everyone. Subscribers & New Visitors: Looking for NASA Earth science data and services? This channel features different categories or playlists of videos to help you discover, access, and work with NASA Earth science datasets, services, and tools. Here you will find our monthly data discovery and access webinar videos as well as some short data tips, data tutorials, and data recipes ("how-tos'). Interested in receiving announcements for upcoming webinars? Located at Edwards, California, in the western Mojave Desert, Armstrong Flight Research Center is NASA's primary center for atmospheric flight research and operations.
This channel aims to help you become a successful entrepreneur and work for yourself!
Discover the hidden revenue in your business today and turn it into massive profits. I'll show you how I generate new sales & opportunities without spending a single additional dollar on marketing or advertising. Big Ideas, Small Business TV with Doreen Milano was created for your business growth and culture development. To be a guest or sponsor on the Big Ideas, Small Business with Doreen Milano podcast or upcoming TV episodes, contact or 650-483-5798 TODAY.
Simple ideas
Welcome to the podcast of author Allen G. Bagby. Writer of the best-selling fantasy fiction Blood & Soul. I believe a conspiratorial view of history is a Christian view of history. Thanks for joining me here where many will say I\'ve gone off The Deep End.
The further left-wing you travel the more right-wing you become
Sharing knowledge and wisdom on the internet 🌍
Only Animated Videos
The TED Talks channel features the best TED talks and presentations, where leading thinkers and figures of the world talk about their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for reports on technology, entertainment and design, as well as on science, business, global issues, art and much more. You can link to these videos or embed them, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know.
I unbox all kinds of stuff anything from trading cards to CDs and merch especially Juggalo merch! I also do live streams for video games and sometimes post other stuff lkie concert footage or whatever else comes to mind.
Hey guys! You are on a channel with a selection of minecraft, where there will be many different videos, in particular realistic minecraft. subscribe to me, very interesting and funny videos are waiting for you. Enjoy watching!
Ex-YouTuber/Twitch Streamer - Moving to Rumble and Kick Already see how the future of YouTube will most likely pan out. Poker & Blunts Chicago
Artwork done by Maria Hargis in acrylic media. I do not believe in working in a box so it will be all fine art, comic and anything I feel like working on related to art. I will share past artwork and current artwork. Sometimes I will have time lapse video of artwork. Other I will discuss topic of creation ideas.
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A podcast to spread awareness about Gulf War illness and the side effects faced by the veterans that were involved in the conflict. The goal is to provide information, exchange stories, and help unite veterans.
Grab a seat Ringside for all the action packed content, featuring hype videos of sports & all kinds!!
Playing games for all to enjoy
Off the Deep End Podcast is a video series that endeavors to bring you inspiring and compelling stories and information that will motivate you to pursue your dreams, take action aligned with your soul's purpose and vision. The host is Rachel Tamilio, Empowerment, Life and Mindset Coach.
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