Rafael Hungria é psicólogo, pesquisador e orientador em Dakila Pesquisas, uma associação que tem como objetivo investigar diversas áreas do conhecimento, buscando preencher as lacunas que a ciência tradicional ainda não conseguiu. Desde 1999, vem realizando pesquisas e trabalhos com grupos de pessoas no mundo todo, visando o despertar da consciência e unificar conhecimentos das diversas tradições do passado, buscando a verdade por trás de tantas mentiras e distorções científicas e religiosas. Através de uma Parceria única e especial, tem como compromisso resgatar e devolver a Luz do Conhecimento à humanidade!

Ursachenforschung Gtz


Ursachenforschung Gtz (seit 21.o3.2016) Informationswebseite zur AB~Änderung der NWO Pläne ^derenirrAgenden^! Besser, zur Entwicklung einer rechtschaffen(d)en wahrheitsliebend natürlich wertvollen & lebenswerten Welt, im Sinne aller fühlenden Lebewesen. Schutz, Erhalt, so wie Förderung zur freien gesunden Entfaltung, der natürlich biologisch all~um~fassen~den "Mutter" Natur. Grenzen-los, denken ... ohne Gewähr Ursachenforschung Gtz [gtz] INHABER: stefan [götz] ART>Kunst der Philosophie SINN>„Liebe zur Weisheit, linguistisch/&kybernetische Ent(d)wickelung" LEBENDERKLÄRUNG: fühlend~lebendig~lebend, beseelt sittlicher mensch mit Herz ,positiv lebensbejahend - körperlich fit, frei denkend mit gesunden Geist, bei klarem Verstand. Nur Sein, besteht durch sich allein, stefan(m) geb.bio-deu~ger./er~blickt 11.o4.1967 in/zu Nürnberg 49° 28' 9.999" N 11° 6' 35.935" E aR.i Verweis: PB>MOTU PROPRIO vom Papst Benedikt XVI 2013 so auch: ganz(!)außer der: BAR >{12 Rechtsvermutungen} - - - Kaffeekasse ... ☕🍩 Direktlink👉 https://buymeacoffee.com/UrsachenforschungGtz

TIR (Targeted Individual Recovery)


My Name is Quinn, I have gone from Jehovah's Witness to targeted individual. The purpose of this channel is to bring awareness of these topics and offer solutions and help for others dealing with these things. I would rather not put myself out here but I know it is the right thing to do. Based on the universal law of free will, I have the right to tell others how I am being attack and I have the right to use my knowledge to help others. For anyone that tries to harm me for doing so would be violating my free will and the universal law that God/ or Source as granted us. Other channels https://www.bitchute.com/channel/7zMPItbnDjJo/

Roi Ratt Cooks - Hungry? Eat? Verified


Roi Rat Cooks a variety of home made meals, you can make in the smallest of kitchens, on the outdoor grill, or over an open fire in The Wilds. Join us for tasty treats, and grab a plate full to eat! Find me on: ➕ ➕ TAP That PLUSSY – and Show The Critters Some Love! 💖😏 ➕ ➕ 🔴LOCALS – https://roiratt.locals.com 🔵TRUTH SOCIAL - https://truthsocial.com/@RoiRat 🟡 GUILDED Server - https://www.guilded.gg/profile/dzvNWwpd Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All references or clips that may be used on this channel are for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015