Jeff Hertzog / Jeff Hertzog Radio Verified


Low Carb & Sugar Free Health Freedom Survived Nursing Home Abuse in 2018 Theme: #LowCarbohydrate and #SugarFree #Health Freedom! Survivor of Nursing Home Abuse from 2018 - Became Public Figure on that issue! Disabled & Handicapped! Called to Preach Judgment on Apostate #America: Independent Non-Denominational, Non-Affiliated #Bible Believer, Preacher and Teacher. Preaching on Judgement on a once great nation now fallen apostate as well as taking the Professing #Christians to the Woodshed! #SatietyRules #carnivore #carnivorediet #lowcarb #nocarb #nocarbs #keto #ketodiet #yes2meat #meatheals #ProperHumanDiet #beef #eggs #butter #realfood #NSNG (No Sugar No Grains) #NotVegan #salt I only vote Constitutional Independents or 3rd Parties; I do not vote Democrats nor Republicans! I do NOT vote #Democrats or #Republicans #GOP #Rino ONLY 3rd Party/#Constitutional #Independents - Preaching #Judgement on Apostate Nation, #America - #kjv #kingjamesbible #TextusReceptus Websites: Main Website - Internet Radio Website - Jeff Hertzog Radio -

InfoGuerras Chile


Canal de Información Independiente. Libertad de información, hecha por y para ciudadanos. Contra la desinformación y la manipulación de los medios. Si estás viendo esta transmisión, eres parte de la Resistencia. #PartidoDeDerecha en Chile: #FuerzaNacional. Canal #FuerzaNacional: Gracias por compartir y difundir!! #InfoGuerras #InfoGuerrasChile #EstallidoDelictual #GuerraCultural #Orwell #CorrecciónPolítica #LibreExpresión #CivilizaciónOccidental Blog: GRACIAS POR TU DONACIÓN VOLUNTARIA!!