Myths,Legends and other strange tales from the British Isles, and sometimes further afield.


Britain's rich and varied folklore, legends and beliefs provide a unique insight into the island's turbulent history. Every invader, refugee or settler has helped contribute some new element or twist to the complex pattern of our national heritage, and new myths are still in the making. With this channel I hope to titillate and intrigue you with these tales and pique your interest enough to keep you coming back for more mysterious stories from the British Isles. If you feel I'm leaving somewhere out, let me know and I will look into it..... If you'd like to show support, click on the link below! It's much appreciated :)

InVitaReali - Retro and modern video game streams. Mostly gameplay, sometimes random tech or bike live streams.


Videos of classic video game playthroughs many of which are first time or visits of never finished. Looking at a variety of systems mostly of ones that can be played on low powered or portable hardware. Might be a spattering of 3d printings using a stock budget 3d printer here and there as well. Occasionally some live bike riding action. For my technology and streaming resources videos check out ProculNotitia:



VideoGameTimeWarp is all about bringing you back in time to experience the games you loved by reviving the quality of the games to look just the way you used to remember them. Video games in the past were released in full and not a constant work in progress. You could just turn on your console and play, not have to worry about constant updates to the games, hardware or downloading huge game sizes that take hours. There was quality content without costly microtransactions or pay to win style games. Lots of in game cheats, unlockable content, physical copy's of games that you could share and trade with your friends, amazing solo games and split screen co op that you could play with a friend on a couch. All kinds of graphically enhanced video games are shown on this channel with the focus mainly being on 6th, 5th and 4th generation consoles such as: Playstation 2 (PS2), Gamecube, Xbox, N64, Playstation, Snes, and other retro predecessor consoles. Get ready for some nostalgia! Youtube: Odysee:$/invite/@VideoGameTimeWarp:c Bitchute: Rumble:

Homicide Highway


Welcome to the dark and twisted world of Kirsty McQueen 🖤 Former Beauty Guru turned True Crime Enthusiast, Kirsty delves into the minds of Serial Killers, exploring the darkest corners of humanity. Join me as we uncover chilling cases, analyze forensic evidence, and discuss the psychology behind infamous criminals. From Ted Bundy to the Zodiac Killer, no stone is left unturned in our quest for understanding. Subscribe for bone-chilling content and join our community of fellow crime aficionados, Let's explore the shadows together

Overtime with TJ


Серијалот "Overtime with TJ" со Јовица Симоновски. Overtime е шоу каде што ќе ви ги дадеме сите информации за најважните натпревари во неделата. Шоу кое ќе ги забележи предностите и слабостите на секој тим и шоу кое ќе ви ги прикаже клучните играчи кои треба да се забележат. Што да се гледа? Што да очекуваме? Вести ... Трачеви ... И многу повеќе од тоа! Едноставно шоу, кое ве подготвува за натпреварите од најинтересните фудбалски лиги во Светот. _______________________________________ The series "Overtime with TJ" with Jovica Simonovski. Overtime is a show where we will give you all the information about the most important matches of the week. A show that will highlight each team's strengths and weaknesses and a show that will show you the key players to watch out for. What to watch? What should we expect? News ... Gossip ... And much more! A simple show that prepares you for the matches of the most interesting football leagues in the world.