Jim Crenshaw


A variety of topics from around the internet. Some videos are mine but most are not. Most anything I would like to share with you already exists in a video that indeed would most likely be better than I could make from scratch covering the same subject. Some things I have learned along my way in this life: • Everyone has a right to be an idiot. Some people abuse the privilege • The problem with some people is that their education has far exceeded their level of intelligence • Its best to keep in mind not to let your zeal out pace your knowledge of the facts • If you think you know how the world works your chances of being right are less than 15% • If you believe in the concept of the ends justify the means you have most likely sinned against your fellow man and God • Before you take something from someone or destroy something you cannot rebuild or replace, It is advisable not to do so • Best intentions are usually the source of the greatest harm you can do to another person • If you are a “Christian” who sends cards on Valentines Day, hunts Easter eggs, trick or treats and puts up a Christmas tree and decorations…you don’t get it • If you think that the “money” you have in your pocket is really “cash” then you have been fooled • Sometimes the most important thing you can ever hear is what has not been said • A different set of facts are also known as lies • There is only one political party in the United States, I stopped voting because I refuse to encourage criminals • If everyone you know thinks like you do, it does not make what you think correct or just • If you really want to learn, seek out opposing views, information and opinions or you will remain ignorant • At all time and in everything question. Then question that answer. Then question that answer. Do that always • If you are about to do something to someone always be sure to ask: Would I want this done to me? Would I deserve to have this done to me? If I am wrong can I make this action right? And if you are having to ask these questions and debate the answers…play it safe and just don’t do it • The smaller your world the smarter you think you are. It is when you enlarge the environment you live in you find out how much you do not know • Thou shalt not steal is the most violated commandment. Be it time, money, love, a life or anything else, it is the one most violated • If you have solved your problem by creating problems for others you have not solved anything • Too many people overvalue what they perceive they are, and undervalue what they perceive others to be • I tend to shy away from discussing the truth with someone, I have found we most likely will have a disagreement, where one of us has pulled their knowledge from many hours of study and experience and the other one has pulled their knowledge out of their ass or the television (same thing) • As I look back on my life, I could have solved almost all of my problems before they started. If I would have just shut my big mouth • That which you fail to deal with today, will deal you failure without mercy, over and over until you face it and deal with it • I have spent many hours in my professions teaching others. I have found that my ability as a teacher was judged like this: When they are stupid, I get an F. When they are smart, I get an A. I may not allow you in my class • Those in “authority” actually know very little about whey they are authorized to do but will have no problem exercising that authority over you every time they can, regardless of their lack of ability • When mans law opposes Gods law it is a sin against God to obey it • Today courts use Roman cannon law. Keep in mind this was the same law that was used to convict and crucify Jesus Christ • My life changed when I figured out that those who were telling me that what I was about to do was impossible, had not really done anything • I believe I am above average. I don’t care what the odds are, odds include the lousy, the fair, the bad and the quitters. Never tell me the odds, that is not a reflection on how I will perform • I am a lot like Dr. Phil, only he is a little taller, a little smarter, a little balder and he has more money • On my tombstone, I want it to say, here lies Jim Crenshaw. Died in a house of ill repute. He came and he went. It won’t be true, but maybe someone will stop by from time to time • When a father and son give to each other, both laugh; when a court takes his son away, both cry • Do something good for someone else. See how good that feels. Now…do it a million more times • Most of the time you lose in court without an attorney. Always keep in mind you may not be evil, vile, dishonest or satanic enough to win without one • If you withhold a child from a parent against their will, how will you feel when later on they hold this against you PEACE -JC

Instagator's funtime


Instagator's funtime channel! *With - Draggz, Thayman, Bert, Whiskey Priest, and Instagator's adventures in the verse! My fun time is about playing video games with my buddies, recording, editing the clip, adding music, and adding other extras to the end video. That's what I do for fun. Hope you like the outcome! Thanks watching in advance subscribe and like it you can! Created by Instagator https://www.youtube.com/@instagator1 rumble.com/c/c-1686755 For donation and tips got to link below: https://buy.stripe.com/eVa02R97BbM5cHS9AA



Hello everyone! This is my official channel dedicated to popular Instagram model girls. Here, you will find inspiration, style tips, and exciting videos about these unforgettable women who have captured the hearts of the Instagram world. I will introduce you to various popular Instagram model girls from around the globe. I will share their thrilling journeys, fashion and beauty secrets, style tips, and their exciting collaborations with well-known brands and designers. Together, we will explore the glamorous lives of these model girls, their favorite photos, fashion trends, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into their daily lives. Follow me to stay updated with the latest information about popular Instagram model girls and be inspired by their style and success stories. If you have any questions about a specific Instagram model girl or want to recommend a popular personality, please feel free to contact me using the information provided below. Thank you for your support and joining my channel! I hope that during this journey, you will be inspired by these amazing Instagram model girls and discover new styles and ideas for yourself.

Welcome back to another vid! Today we're playing the LTM Dummies Big Day in Apex Legends. Let me know how you guys feel about this game mode and leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Love yall:) Follow my instagram: https://instagram.com/concerns_gaming


Welcome back to another vid! Today we're playing the LTM Dummies Big Day in Apex Legends. Let me know how you guys feel about this game mode and leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Love yall:) Follow my instagram: https://instagram.com/concerns_gaming

Tile Installation Done Right


All about tile and how to install it correctly, how to videos, tips and tricks, actual installations of tile jobs of all kinds. I am a tile installer with more than 36 years experience, my videos that try to convey the proper way of installing tile in all types of situations, and I describe why things are done a certain way and try to help you avoid costly mistakes. New video every Sunday Afternoon and occasional mid week video. I am a tile contractor and Own Elite-Tile Company on Boston’s North Shore. Installing tile the wrong way does not guarantee failure, installing it the right way does ensure success. Always follow TCNA methods and standards and manufacturer recommendations. Modern times has seen great changes and improvements to the industry, old school methods are still relevant, but modern materials have improved efficiency and simplified installations, but still require qualified labor trained in all aspects of tile installation. So please Subscribe, and thank you.