Quite Frankly
38,072 FollowersA Nightly Talk Show for Current Events, History, Culture, Comedy, and The Great Beyond.
A Nightly Talk Show for Current Events, History, Culture, Comedy, and The Great Beyond.
A Channel that focuses on politics, global, trending, gaming, viral and pop culture news
Exposing the lies and propaganda
Official channel of Frank Fleming, aka Frankthetank from Barstoolsports.com http://www.barstoolsports.com/ and creator of Sportsecyclopedia.com http://sportsecyclopedia.com/
Comedian from Australia living in America
Ten kanał jest kanałem tłumaczeń polsko-niemiecko-polskim . Aktualne tematy: zdrowie, duchowość / Dieser kanal ist ein Übersetzer Kanal polnisch-deutsch-polnisch . Aktuelle Themen : Gesundheit, Spirituelles https://t.me/WizjeVisionen
New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television est une chaîne de télévision indépendante, à but non lucratif, établie par des Chinois vivant à l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'étranger. Notre mission est de défendre la liberté d’expression et liberté de la pensée, contribuer au pluralisme et à la libre information dans les médias en langue chinoise et française. Originellement en chinois, NTD diffuse depuis 2004 en anglais des nouvelles au quotidien et une grande variété de programmes. Récemment le français, l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'espagnol et le russe viennent compléter cette évolution.
Chaîne de résistance à l'épidémie de sottise qui sévit en France
Open discussion on various issues that are relevant for today and in the future.
All who Call upon the Name of The Lord Shall be Delivered - Joel 2:32
Yes. I’m now on Rumble. So let’s get ready to… you’ve heard this one? Okay.
Looking for a chuckle? Check out Tony Branco's Rumble channel. Tony is America's funniest political cartoonist, and he's got the biting commentary to back it up. His cartoons will make you laugh until you cry, but they also carry an important message. As Tony says, "Laughing your way to the truth." Subscribe to Tony's channel today and get your daily dose of hilarity and political commentary.
On Humble Mechanic we talk about many areas of the car repair world. I teach about cars, car parts, and even do DIY videos. Also, if you are a mechanic, or thinking about becoming a technician or mechanic I show you how to get started I am a master certified Volkswagen technician. I have been fixing broken VWs for over 10 years. I have also been training and mentoring young techs for about 10 years. I have seen a lot in my career, and I am happy to share those experiences with you.
Gaming Channel
Following the data to understand what is really going on in the world.
O'Brien made these assertions in Trance Formation of America (1995) and Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security (2004), both of which she co-authored ...
I all about the Unknown, Paranormal, Conspiracies. Aliens, Ghosts and how there all connected
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