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Flexible yoga. contortion workout. split stretch. stretching for stretching legs feet. gymnastics


Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj," which means to join or unite. The practice of yoga is designed to help individuals achieve a state of balance and harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. The physical practice of yoga involves a series of postures, or asanas, that are designed to stretch and strengthen the body, improve flexibility, and promote relaxation. Each posture is typically held for several breaths, and the practice is often accompanied by deep breathing exercises, known as pranayama. Beyond the physical benefits, the practice of yoga is also designed to promote mental and emotional well-being. It can help individuals reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm. There are many different styles of yoga, each with their own unique approach to the practice. Some styles, such as Hatha and Iyengar, focus more on the physical postures, while others, such as Kundalini and Bhakti, place more emphasis on spiritual and meditative practices. Overall, the practice of yoga is a holistic approach to health and wellness that can benefit individuals of all ages and abilities. With regular practice, it can help individuals achieve a greater sense of balance, harmony, and inner peace in their lives.

DoubleARanch: American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, surviavalist self-sufficiency learners and educators, extreme 2A enthusiasts and prayerful stewards of what we have on loan from God. Verified


American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, Alpaca ranchers and lovers of God's greatest comedians...critters of all kinds but especially dogs. We are 2A enthusiasts, and veracious readers of our founding fathers and historical documents. In addition to educate other true conservatives for a return to traditional Paideia. This is the original liberal arts education for our children stemming from ancient Greece and Rome. This includes the basic 7 parts of a classical liberal arts education or a virtuous “Paideia” : Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy later to include Philosophy, Science, and Art. All were the education of our ancestors whether at home or Christian based and founded Universities.

Remnant Hope


We are dedicated to giving you the very best information for healthy Christian living by understanding God's blueprint for living. Lifestyle topics include: Daily devotionals, Scripture reading, Bible commentary, healthy recipes, natural remedies, herbology, medical missionary training , and prophecy discussions. We are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Seventh-day Adventists believe God is concerned with the quality of human life, and that everything—the way we live, eat, speak, think, treat each other, and care for the world — is part of His plan. Our families, our children, our jobs, our talents, our money, and our time all belong to Him.

Gymnastics Tips


Welcome to Gymnastics Tips! On this channel you will find skills, drills and training advice from some of the tops gymnasts and coaches in the world. We currently upload 3-5 videos a week! If you like our videos and want to see more, please subscribe to our channel. If you would like watch the entire full length instructional programs visit http://sportvideos.com/gymnastics/ You may also want to join our Facebook Gymnastics Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/561810221282200/