First Time Quality Gunsmithing


🔧 Meet Marine Gun Builder: Master Craftsman of Glock Building🔧 Marine Gun Builder is a renowned expert in the realm of Glock building. With a reputation built on meticulous attention to detail and a passion for firearm building, MGB is the trusted name among enthusiasts and professionals alike. 🛠️ Unparalleled Expertise: With years of hands-on experience, Marine Gun Builder has mastered the art of helping Patriots transform their Glock Build visions into personalized works of art. 🎓 Educator and Innovator: Beyond his skills as a gunsmith, Marine Gun Builder serves as an educator through platforms like Marine Gun Builder University. Through detailed tutorials and guides, he shares his wealth of knowledge, empowering Glock enthusiasts to elevate their skills and tackle advanced customization projects. 🔍 Contributions to Glock Building: Marine Gun Builder's contributions to Glock building are immeasurable. From creating innovative solutions for common challenges to pushing the boundaries of customization, he has left an indelible mark on the Glock community. His videos and guides are treasure troves of insights, offering enthusiasts a roadmap to navigate the intricate process of Glock modification. 🌟 Legacy of Excellence: Marine Gun Builder's legacy is one of excellence, precision, and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in Glock customization. Whether you're a seasoned builder or a newcomer to the world of firearm customization, Marine Gun Builder's contributions have undoubtedly shaped the landscape of Glock building. For those eager to delve deeper into the art of Glock customization, Marine Gun Builder's online resources and courses provide an invaluable opportunity to refine your skills. Discover the techniques and secrets behind his acclaimed Glock builds, and join the community of enthusiasts dedicated to perfecting their craft. Join the Marine Gun Builder Movement: Ready to take your Glock to the next level? Follow Marine Gun Builder on his journey of innovation, education, and unparalleled craftsmanship. Subscribe, learn, and embark on your own path to becoming a Glock customization maestro!



Welcome to School of the American Rifle Rumble Page! School of the American Rifle is a Technical/Armorers Training Course located in Elkton MD, that focuses on the popular and modular, direct-impingement AR15 rifle, carbine, short barreled rifle, and pistol. Our Gunsmith & Instructor "Instructor Chad" is dedicated to guiding his students to develop a deep and thorough understanding of the AR15. Our training philosophy is simple, we strive to give each student an intense and intimate understanding of their AR15 that rivals the knowledge that many professional Gunsmiths and Armorers possess.

Caleb Savant - Gunsmith


I'm Caleb Savant, a seasoned gunsmith and firearm professional with a deep passion for the industry. You may know me from Brownells, where I share my expertise through informative and educational content on YouTube and, helping enthusiasts and professionals alike. My journey in the firearm world is enriched by my experience as an Army combat veteran, which gives me a unique perspective on the practical applications of firearms and gunsmiting as a whole. Combining my military background with years of hands-on gunsmithing experience, I aim to provide reliable and insightful guidance to anyone interested in firearms.

A Diary vlog of a Gunsmith in Devon, UK


The Devongunsmith Diaries concept was conceived by me during lock down, and the premise was to be able to perform work without a fully set up gunsmiths workshop, but rather, using just the Cottage Kitchen Table, a few hand tools, some cordless tools, a table vice, and other small DIY tools. While the channel is not specifically intended to be a how to guide, it is mainly for entertainment. While in the UK gunsmithing must be performed by the Licenced Gun Trade, Rumble is without borders, and if the channel is useful to someone as either entertainment, or indeed helps you to decide if a repair might be possible, then I have been a help to you.



El objetivo de este canal es presentar la verdadera cara de la industria farmacéutica que es uno de los pilares fundamentales del sionismo global para el sometimiento de todos los pueblos del planeta mediante la destrucción de la salud y posterior dependencia de sus productos "medicinales". Esta industria fue el principal tentáculo en la creación y ejecución de la plandemia del covid19. Demostrar como es el fraude mas grande de la historia de nuestra presente civilización, todo con el objetivo de instaurar un gobierno mundial totalitario donde cada uno de los seres humanos será un esclavo listos para ser ofrecido en holocausto de fuego al demiurgo.

Programa de Humanidades


Me dedico a la profunda reflexión e introspección humana. Mi propósito es dar a conocer tendencias de pensamiento populares, pero sobre todo, nuevas alternativas para ser y estar en el mundo. Maneras que facilitan la plenitud del ser humano, cuyos atributos cósmicos son ignorados por el Sistema que organiza la vida en la Tierra. La dinámica de la espiritualidad creativa de aplicación práctica, sirve para llegar más lejos que la filosofía, más adentro que el intelectual que olvida el alma y, también, más allá de los resultados del coach de crecimiento personal que promueve recetas difíciles de acomodarse en lo cotidiano. Ojalá sea capaz de inspirar. Propongo la vibración de la energía, la expansión de consciencia del mundo saludable y pacífico que sólo es posible desde la cooperación y los principios humanistas. Además de estimular, debo provocar desafíos. NOTA: Las ideas expuestas y todas las opiniones, no representan a ninguna ideología o institución o forma de gobierno.

Mensagens Para a Humanidade


Mensagens extraplanetárias destinadas a alcançar a humanidade neste momento muito importante da história humana. Duas coisas a acrescentar: 1. Este é um esforço coletivo. Temos a ajuda de muitas raças extraterrestres ao nosso lado (físicas e não físicas). 2. Também estou me redescobrindo no processo, assim como "eles" também estão. Ninguém detém todas as respostas. Você tem que assumir a responsabilidade por suas crenças e decidir por si mesmo(a). Estamos aqui apenas para oferecer a você uma perspectiva de fora da Terra sobre as coisas - oferecer e não impor. 🔥 Canal no YouTube em Português 🔥 Canal no YouTube 1: Canal no YouTube 2: 🔥 Outro canal "backup" / alternativo em Português 🔥 Odysee: 🌟 Canais em Inglês 🌟 YouTube: Rumble: Odysee: Brighteon: