Patriots With Grit


We Deliver Awesome Interviews & Bring You Truth Bombs & Guidance From Conservative Leaders & Entrepreneurs. Hear Truth. Be Bold. Live Free. Patriots With Grit is hosted by Daryn Ross- -a conservative, God fearing, freedom loving, family-oriented business owner, entrepreneur, author, and formerly America’s marketer of the year. He’s bold, speaks his mind and never bows to the liberal left. Face it, small business, capitalism and entrepreneurship is the backbone of America. Many Americans are too obsessed with their Starbucks and smartphones to look up and pay attention--believing and doing everything they’re told based on what they hear in the media. Realizing people were starving for hope, encouragement, guidance, and truth, he decided to take his experience in business, marketing, leadership, and entrepreneurship, sprinkle in some good old fashioned faith-based American patriotism and introduce Patriots With Grit where we bring you truth bombs and guidance from conservative leaders and entrepreneurs. America’s the best country in the world, it's made up of patriots, and our mission at Patriots With Grit is to help you Hear Truth, Be Bold, and Live Free!

Center Stage Guitar Academy


Center Stage Guitar Academy offers a method of learning guitar, bass, and ukulele through comprehensive online lessons which aim to inspire and educate at the most economical price. Since its 2012 inception, Center Stage Guitar Academy has served over 50,000 aspiring guitar players with high quality video lessons. Always keeping the students’ needs in mind, lessons are produced with multiple angles giving the student maximum exposure to the instructor, as he teaches you the essentials of guitar. Once you have completed the beginner program or join as an intermediate player, you can focus on developing specific skills or styles that you enjoy. Study rock, blues, jazz, classical, flamenco, bluegrass, country, fingerstyle and more. Develop skills such as improvisation, lead playing, and music theory. Learn from the over 150 song lessons provided, complete with accurate tabs. Dive into one of the artist study volumes and learn the style of guitar heroes such as BB King and Jimmy Page

growing grit and grace together


We may be a great fit, if... 1. you scratch your head, wondering what's wrong with the world. 2. you feel anxious, worried, fearful, or stressed. 3. you want a comfortable place to speak your mind & discuss current events. 4. you're sick & tired of gaslighting & psyops by elected gov't officials. 5. you don’t mind talking about faith & spirituality (I'm a Christian woman, but don’t care if you are not.) 6. you have a decent understanding of simple economics and politics, and how it affects us, and want to learn together.

Fekete Rita


Fekete Rita vagyok a Hit Rádió szerkesztő-műsorvezetője. Ezen a csatornán a Hit Rádióban már elhangzott közéleti beszélgetések egy fogyaszthatóbb, vágott verzióját tesszük közzé. Előveszünk olyan régebbi interjúkat is, amelyeket vagy nem vagy régebben egy kisebb közönség számára publikáltunk. Emellett készülünk csak ide gyártott műsorokkal is! Elsőként a hetente jelentkező Össztűz c. műsorunk lesz elérthető, melynek állandó vendége Robert C. Castel biztonságpolitikai szakértő. Munkatársak: Joób Rhodé, Longauer András, Király Tamás