This channel aggregates videos from diverse sources, serving as an archival resource. It primarily supports the development of a novel philosophy and technology framework, aimed at redefining and actualizing an innovative concept of free will, termed 'Advanced Free Will', and its associated Advanced Civilization. Leveraging technology, this concept empowers individuals to consciously mold their perceptions and experiences, transitioning from passive observers to active architects of their reality. This notion transcends conventional interpretations of free will.

Library of Gnosis


"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Welcome initiate, this page was created to archive and spread Gnosis (Knowledge). On this page I will be uncovering our hidden history, and a vast variation of topics relating to just about everything. Science, Economics, Philosophy, Morality, Esotericism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism and everything within and without, and above or below. Join me as we journey into the unknown and explore occult (hidden) and sometimes purposely obfuscated knowledge.

Inovace Republiky


Snažíme se přinášet spolupráci při hledání nových cest, sdílení myšlenek a podporovat kreativní diskuzi, která má přispívat k většímu porozumění a jednotě mezi lidmi. Cílem je vytvářet otevřené prostředí, sdílet vize, inspirovat se a postupně tak vytvářet ideovou základnu k vědomé transformaci společnosti. Postupně se v rozhovorech, odborných textech a analýzách zabýváme nápady, legislativními změnami a koncepty, kterými se stávající vládní politické strany nezabývají nebo je ve většině případů zavrhly či veřejně nezaznívají jako priority.

From Breast Cancer Diagnosis Through Prevention


To say the first few months of a cancer diagnosis are overwhelming is an understatement. So much information. So many tests. So. Many. Appointments. So many questions. So much research (if you're like me). And then you have all the follow up appointments and phone calls in-between. ...oh, and then that little thing they call surgery. I've spent the past several months learning as much as possible about Invasive Lobular ER+, HER- breast cancer. In the process, I've gained an invaluable amount of knowledge that may benefit other women as they navigate their own journey. I'm new to vlogging, but I'm excited to share my journey with you. I hope my videos will serve as a roadmap to help you prepare for your appointments, manage your journey, and ask tough questions of your doctors. I also encourage you to seek second opinions and consult with naturopaths.